Day 12: Letter to Someone You Hate or Caused You the Most Pain

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[HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HATRED PFFFT *snort* now what kind of hate do you mean title? Do you mean someone who you just hate or someone you hate so much you want to protect them..... hmm, what about the hatred for myself (in a way)?]


Dear Ryan,

Hi. You just happen to walk into my life, mind, whatever, at a stress time. I didn't really get what was going on in my head before you finally introduced yourself as an actual person, but now, your just a complete asshole. You like everyone, you hate everyone, you are mean, you are nice, can't make up your mind. I just happen to hate you so much. The hatred I feel for you is really awkward, but I don't know. Don't laugh at me as I try to write this. It's annoying.

Apparenly, the host of your ghost, er, whatever it is. I was trying to rhyme,



[Tada! Learn something new every day. Though I do think I make too much of a deal about her. Don't mind me, I just hate myself. Both ways. Me and Ryan. I don't know sigh. Anyways, look forward to Day 13. :33 By33!]

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