talk it out

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Sky looks like she wants to run away. She's breathing uncontrollably, she's about to cry.

"I didn't mean for it to happen the way it did." She wines. "Well it happened and that's all that matters for Halli." Terry spits. I wouldn't talk to girls the way he just did. He's upset about something that even though is in the past, it's messed up.

"You caused Halli all that heartbreak a year back."

"I know." Sky crosses her arms in defense of becoming more vulnerable.

"You don't know." Terry yells. "She hardly slept and always blamed herself for not being a better daughter to her mom, her mom hates her because of you."

"I never wanted it to happen." Sky yells back, wiping her tears away.

"You're worst than Halli." Oscar interrupts Terry's roasting session.

"You're one of the fake ones." He looks her up and down in disgust.

"Why are you guys attacking her?" Dave walks in from the corner of the beach-house. He's been gone since the afternoon, taking a breather down at the beach.

This guy, who literally attacked a girl has no right to ask why a girl is being verbally attacked. I really want to say something. We're cool, but he's something else lately.

"Listen man, she fucked Halli's dad." I leave out the details and bluntly spill the beans.

I notice Sky flinches at choice of words. Whatever, she's a hoe and she knows it very well. She better embrace those words.

I cross eyes with Dave and notice he didn't react to the news as bad as us three guys did. What's his problem? Must be used to having friends serenade his family members.

"You really are a slut." Oscar calls her out.

Dave comes to Sky's defense and tells Oscar not to call her names. She can't stand up for herself? 

Oscar stands up straight, with his chin up high. "Hell, stay out of it." He walks up to Dave.

Dave mirror's Oscar and they both continue arguing. I won't do anything to stop this. Everyone knows they both need this release, carrying all the baggage isn't good for them.

Oscar calls Dave a woman-beater and Dave defends himself in saying things like "you'll never be enough for her." and "she's never going to feel the way you do."

Once they both start saying childish and petty things, I encourage Oscar to pull it off. I try patting his chest, but he pushes me with a bit too of an aggressive force and I fall over Terry. He cusses and pushes me aside.

Before anyone can stop Oscar and Dave from arguing anymore, they take it to the next level and begin fighting.

Dave starts socking Oscar in the face and Sky reaches for Dave's arm. If I didn't respect woman, I wouldn't have gone up to her but being me, Ignoring her resisting and cussing at me, I grab Sky and pull her out of the way before she could get accidentally hit.

Terry reaches for Dave and pulls him away but Terry slips on the drink I spilled before this shit happened.

A flashlight points to Oscar and Dave fighting, Oscar gets a punch in Dave and he bleeds instantly. I look in the direction of where the flashlight is coming from and a mid-thirties lady stands in the sand, recording with one phone and another calling the cops asking for immediate help.

I curse under my breath and separate the two. They look at one another in disgust. "The cops are coming." I nod my head towards the lady and they look at her. "I'm not leaving til they get here." She crosses her arms. Damn, couldn't she just mind her business?

"This isn't over." Dave threatens Oscar before walking back inside. They both took a beating on each other, but I can say Dave won this one. Oscar looks like shit, blood everywhere

Terry checks up on Dave while I attend to Oscar's wash-up.

Moments later, two policemen knock on the front door asking for witnesses. To save everyone big trouble, I take the blame for everyone.

"There was some random dude on the beach cussing me out for no reason and I socked him." The two policemen look at one another then back to me, "I did what I had to do."

They sign off some papers and tell me to be at the station within the next twenty four hours or they could come and arrest me for disturbance in public. This damn trip just keeps getting better.


In the next hour, when Benny heads over to the station, Oscar leaves for a walk with Terry right behind him. I take the chance to be alone and let everything out because I assume Dave is out as well.

With the door locked and in my temporary room, I cry away the past few years. Nothing was supposed to happen with Halli's dad, I couldn't say no. My little brother was all I had in mind, forget my innocence and pure touch.

A knock interupts my thoughts.

"You want to talk about it?" Dave's soft yet worried voice slips through the door. I deny his attempt to comfort and thank him.

"I can hear you crying from the other side of the house." He coughs. How embarrasing, maybe I should have taken a walk down the beach instead. "It's not hard to listen when it's just the two of us here." Dave adds.

I guess an ear that's on the same side as mine should be good. The whole house practically hates him too. I open up the door and notice he's been crying too.

"What did you mean you never wanted anything to happen?"

"Halli's dad had something that could ruin my family and I couldn't think of my little brother being seperated and sent into an orphanage."

"Sleeping with him was all he wanted from me." I cry. "As if his wife wasn't enough."

"He bought me many things. I've sold everything and saved money for my brother and me once I graduate. I'm taking him. My family is no good."

"I always knew you were different, just not in the way everyone makes you out to be." I thank Dave for listening. It's been killing me and telling someone helps the weight off my shoulders.

"Why did you do it?" I ask referring to him hitting Reena. At first, he fights back to tell me then trusts me enough to explain his perspective.

"I love Sabrina as a friend, she's great." His eyes begin to gloss. "But there's one thing she knows about me that no one else does and that's my anger problems. I get angry easy when I feel threatened or when I feel lied to."

That explains a lot.

"I don't enjoy getting angry, it just happens. I know I get it from my dad and when he's mad, he drinks."

Dave talks about bad family drinking and abusing problems. I guess everyone suffers in some way.

"I hate that I hit her, and I just don't know what to say to her. Nothing seems right." He cries.

"I'm sure she understands. She defended you against Oscar."

"That dude is a fucking idiot. He can't take a hint that Sabrina doesn't like him, but he lashes out on me all the time."

"Because everyone knows how she feels about you." He looks at me. "I don't feel the same way. Not in that way, it's been established."

"Maybe not with Reena. Try talking to her about it."

Dave agress to talk things out with Reena within the next day.

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