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I know it's been about half a year since I've been active, but here I am today, putting up the last chapter of this story. I've done some thinking of finishing this story then maybe fixing it up with more details, better story line and more backstories.

Anyways, here's the last chapter of Walls Don't Talk. It's my first story to actually finish, so it definitely deserves an updated version.

Ps. This end is actually the beginning of greater things to come. (; Enjoy!


The sun begins to set all the while crabs crawl above the surface in search for food. Families and friends pack up to leave the soon-to-be-closed beach; a cool breeze whispers into the back of their necks.

The waves sound different. Nothing will ever be the same. Not even the sand. It won't hug around their feet the way it once did during the arrival at the beginning of the week.

Coping mechanisms. Its not an option. No one seems to be coping at all. It's barely been twenty four hours since the tragic news of their dear friends Benny and Eamon.

Mixed emotions reach their critical levels.

"All of this could've been prevented." Oscar breaks the long silence after everyone has finished their questioning.

Their parents gathered to a meeting with the sheriff and two officers right inside the conference room.

No one says a word. Everyone looks beat. "If we hadn't even agreed to come on this stupid trip, Eamon wouldn't be a criminal."

Some of the group watch Oscar spill his thoughts while a woman and her son sitting across on a bench listen in.

"Man." Terry says.

"Benny would still be alive." Oscar continues. Ronn lets out a wine. "Just stop." Everyone looks at her.

"Haven't we had enough?" She sighs. She breathes heavily in and out.

"Yeah, I agree. We've had enough." He dramatizes we've and circles his hands towards everyone except Sky, Dave and Ronn. Dave shakes his head.

"The rest of you are reasons why all this shit happened. Especially you Ronni." He points at her.

"Dude, shut the fuck up." Terry spits.

"Want to talk about reasons?" Dave sits up.

Oscar follows every move Dave makes. "Like the reason for beating the shit out of Sabrina?" Dave bites his tongue and holds back. He knows the consequences to come if he chooses a fight with Oscar.

"Ooh wait. Can't forget about Ronni. The whole entire reason why all this happened." Ronn shakes her head while crying. "You basically killed Benny and made it look like Eamon did it."

"Shut up." Reena stands up and is furiously breathing in and out.

"That is enough." She weeps. She looks at the group and the people watching around. "We killed Benny. All of our fighting and pointless drama we brought to the table every morning killed him"

The group look amongst each other. Scarlett and Wendy hold each other's hands, with Sky and Dave, side by side, and Terry and Halli holding on arm to arm. Ronn and Oscar sit alone.

"He cared too much." She sniffles. "And now he's gone." She looks at the floor and sits back down.

The silence speaks louder than the obvious tension filled atmosphere. Most of their relationships with each other are far out the door, ready to never look back.

A few minutes of soft sniffles and crying pass by then the parents along with the sheriff and a detective come up to them.

"We're scheduled to a court hearing on the 27th of March. If one of you do not appear at the scheduled time, you will be set as an accomplice of the murder of Bernardo Quinta."

While the sheriff is good friends with Terry's dad, they got to have a somewhat easy process, but no one is exempt from the consequences.

March 27, 2018

8:00 A.M.

"Eamon Carter is sentenced to 30 years in prison for the murder of Bernardo Quinta." The gavel echoes throughout the entire court room. Faces begin to fall and sobs let loose.

Benny's family are left in tears. His sisters comfort their emotionally drained mother. While the Quinta family grieves, the Carters are absent. Not a single family member of his attended the court. They always knew he'd be the one to get locked up, a clone of his father. Shame is brought upon the Carter name.

While the court room clears out, Ronn sits in the same seat while weeping in the arms of sincere grief and guilt. Thinking she should be the one walking through that door Eamon has disappeared into.

Reena watches and wonders whether to comfort her or not. Instead, she walks away with a hand on her belly and her dad right by her side, ready to finally leave town.

"Fuck this." Oscar spits at the ground once he steps outside. Some people watch his foul movements, looking at everyone in disgust. His thoughts trail to dropping out of school to avoid the people he shared a sorrow with. He makes his way to his truck and takes off to the nearest bar.

From a week of fun to a week full of tragedy, no one is left the same. Each of them carry a heavy weight and now see life differently.

Nothing will ever be the same.

With the long awaited trial that once held their group of friends back, now that it's over, they set forth and never look back.

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