the next mourning

7 1 1

The song put will go perfect for this chapter. Try.


The two policemen called in yesterday after Benny and Eamon's disappearance return with a woman wearing a suit.

What's going on?

Who is the woman?

An investigator?

Reena squeezes my hand with an added force. I give a weak smile. I won't let a fake one out, it's true everyone in the house is a bit rattled.

Halli and Terry sit together on a one person seat. Terry isn't Santa Clause, Hal.

Wendy, Oscar, Sky sit on the longer sofa. They're all trying stay cool but the nail biting is not helping at all.

Dave stands behind Reena and I stand beside Reena when the cops knock at the front door.

"We're sorry to inform you but a jogger reported a body washed up on shore."

I swear everyone rushes up from sitting down and they walk closer towards the front door.

"The body has been identified as Bernardo Quinta also known as Ben or Benny."

The room temperature drops to the lowest it's been. A gasp and a cry follow through in the background. I can't make out who it was.

I turn to see Reena's eyes swelling up a bowl of tears. She groans out loud and loses a bit of her breath.

"Is he okay?" Dave speaks for the speechless. The woman walks forward, "it seems he hit his head on a hard surface and stayed unconscious. Our guess is no one was around to get him out in time."

Reena gasps for air then lets out a sob. "Benny." She whispers. I reach out to comfort her while she sobs into my chest.

"What about Eamon?" Terry questions. Yeah, what about Eamon. Where the hell was he?

"We were hoping you'd give us some information." The investigator pulls out a notepad and a pen.

"You said he went out drunk and upset about your friend Ronn, correct?"

"Yeah, but-" Terry is cut off by the investigator.

"Your friend Eamon is nowhere to be found and if he continues to be missing within the next 24 hours, he will be charged for the murder of Bernardo Quinta and will be sentenced up to twenty-five years in prison."

That escalated quickly.

Ronn cries out and Wendy is forced to take her out of the house.

"Eamon isn't capable of-"

"You would be surprised what alcohol and anger could do to someone."

That investigator is getting on my nerves. Oscar and Sky take Reena from my arms and take her away when she starts crying more.

Halli, Terry, Dave and I stay behind and talk to the investigator about Eamon and Benny's relationship.

"They were best friends." Terry cries out. I've never seen him cry before. I look at Dave and Halli crying as well.

I'm not crying. I'm upset and confused.

"Looks like Eamon didn't think so."

"Are you accusing him of killing his own best friend?"

"His best friend was sleeping around with his girlfriend, wasn't he?"

Halli shouts at the investigator. The policeman bring their arms up to the investigator, motioning for her to not release too much information.

"You have no right to be accusing without any legit proof." Halli points to the investigator. Her veins are popping out on her forehead, she's upset now.

"You can't save your friend." The policeman on the left side of the investigator taunts. "He's on the run and if he's seen running, he will be shot."

Terry punches the nearby wall, making a small dent. Halli doesn't mind since she's feeling the same emotions.

"You need to leave." Halli glares. "Get out of here."

Before we close the door, the investigator looks back. "All your parents have been contacted." She looks Halli in the eye. "Expect them to be arriving soon."

Halli slams the door and lets out an angry yell. "Fuck!"

Terry breaks down and falls to his knees and Dave sits down beside him, putting a hand on Terry's shoulder.

Benny never should've opened that door. I won't say that aloud. Everyone will think I'm crazy. Instead, I lean my back against the wall and listen to everyone's cries.

It's not long until tears of my own roll down my cheek uncontrollably.

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