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What am I still doing here? Reena will never see me the same. I sigh loud enough to where the joggers on the beach can hear me.

I sit back on the wooden bench and look out into the ocean. Where does it go? I'll only know if I go in that direction with intention.

I'm leaving. This place isn't for me and it never will be. I'll talk with Reena about everything, I'll apologize and figure out where I stand with her then I'll leave. I can't stay here another moment.

I head inside, hoping to find her in the kitchen but there's no sign of her.

"Have you seen Reena around?" I ask Scarlett. She's sitting on the counter chairs eating cereal alone.

"No." She slurps her cereal. I look at the clock on the stove. It reads 10:54 A.M.

"She stayed out with Ben." Terry walks in with only sweatpants. With Ben? That stupid douchebag that sleeps around? Ugh. My heart sinks to the lowest it can be.

Halli walks in right after. "They hooked up." She smiles. "It's about time." Scarlett adds. Reena wouldn't do that. She has high standards, she's in love with Dave.

"I find that hard to believe." I cross my arms. They try their best to convince me, but I ignore it. I know Reena and she wouldn't sleep with someone like Ben. He's an asshole and a walking std.

Hours pass and still no sign of Reena. I'm getting impatient now. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I need to chill.


The sun shines through the curtains with its rays hitting only certain parts of the hotel room.

I look to the bed and see Reena cuddled into my chest. Her arms resting on my chest. She looks peaceful.

Without thinking, I cuff her face with my left hand and softly trace it with my thumb.

My thumb runs over her lips and I'm filled with the urge to kiss them. Instead, I kiss her cheek. I leave my lips on her cheek for a couple seconds then I remove them.

She's beautiful.

I run my hand through hair for a bit while I remember the events from hours before.

She cried a lot. I cried with her, not for her. We made out for a bit until Terry called for his car back.

I went for them and asked Terry and Halli to drop us off here at this hotel in the middle of the island. It's next to all the restaurants.

I remember Scarlett passed out in the backseat. Terry, Halli and Wendy hurried us off and into the hotel. They knew why and they didn't ask. "Ring it up my under name, bro." Terry handed me one of his many credit cards. "Thanks." I told him.

After getting settled in, we talked more about things then I did what I needed to do to make her forget about her pain for a bit.

I don't regret it. She was was amazing. We definitely have chemistry. We weren't rushing anything, I took my time with her and she took her time with me. It was perfect, better than any other I've experienced.

"Benny." Reena's soft morning voice brings me back to the present. I'm on cloud 9 with her.

"Thank you." She cuffs my face in her soft hands. I grab her hand and hold it in mine. It's larger than hers, but it fits so perfectly in mine.

We look at our hands and fiddle with each other's fingers for a while then I rub hers, examining every part of them. She has a tiny breath mark in between her index and middle finger.

I bring her hands close to my mouth and plant a kiss on them. She looks into my eyes and I do the same. We lay face to face looking into each other's eyes for a minute.

I guess eyes really are the windows to the soul. I can see her and I know she sees me. Our new feelings are mutual.

"Benny?" Reena lifts a hand to my hair and runs her fingers through it.

"Yes." I watch her and she brings her hand down with her other one.

"Will this change everything?"

"That is up to you." We continue looking into each other's eyes then we slowly move our faces closer.

She plants a kiss on my lips and I return the gesture.

Our kiss turns into a passionate make out session then it leads to morning extra curricular activities.

This time Reena is in control. With our clothes already off, Reena sits on top and I get into a sitting position. Our bodies are touching each other.

I hold her back and she puts her arms around my neck. We start off slow and then I look to her and she's staring at me. Those beautiful brown eyes are sparkling bad right now.

She wraps her arms around my chest and leans in as if we're hugging. She lets out a soft moan into my right ear.

"Look at me." I tell her. She obeys and continues slow. "You're beautiful." I tell her. She lets out a breath-y giggle.

I laugh with her. Did I really just talk during sex? Other than regular words like faster or damn. "You're so beautiful." I tell her again but laughing it instead of saying it.

Why am I laughing?

"You're sweet." She tells me and I automatically stop laughing. I look at her and she's serious.

I leave a kiss on her lips. When I pull away, she brings my face in and kisses me.

We kiss and continue moving together. I lift her up to where I can be in control then I lay her down on the bed.

She moans while we're kissing so it sounds muffled. Her mouth opens and I take it as a chance to slide my tongue in.

She moans again then does the same with her tongue. I let myself go to into Reena. A part of me shoots into her.

She doesn't seem to mind so I continue taking charge until we're both tired.

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