Chapter II

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The Transition

Onyx shivered as she stared at the grassy plains surrounding her. She glanced up at the sky that was turning pink slowly as if the sun was rising. She looked down at her clothing as watched as it changed from a deep black and into a dark maroon. She watched as her white skin slowly shifted into a sun kissed pink she watched as her outfit continued to change to fit her new Diamond's preference. She felt grief rip through her body as she finnaly accepted the fact.

Onyx no longer belonged to White Diamond.

White Diamond gave her up without a second thought.

White Diamond didn't love her.

Why would she?

White was a Diamond and she was only an insignificant onyx.
I glared at the round platform I stood on as I looked up towards the sky only to see a dark grey sky covered in clouds. I stood slowly at my surroundings scowling at everything in sight I looked down at my physical form as it began to glow. I closed my eyes as a bright light surrounded me. When the light faded I opened my eyes only to be met with the eyes of my new Diamond.

A slight scream left my throat as I backed away in shock.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I frighten you?" Pink asked quickly. Her eyes lighting up with a concern and compassion I had never known before. I rushed up in a panic hurrying into a courtesy.

"No my Diamond I was merely startled was all." I tucked a stray curl behind my ear quickly almost afraid as to how she would react.

"Oh." She simply said observing my new form curiously. I looked at her in surprise
Surprised at how calm she was being. I smiled at her face as she pressed it up to me and it made me realize just how small she actually was. When she continued to observe my new form I looked down at it self consciously.

"Is there something wrong my Diamond?" I tilted my face down to the side in order to meet her eyes concern lacing mine. She looked up at me in surprise.

"No! Of course not. Why would anything be wrong?" She asked me in curiosity

"It wouldn't be." I looked down at the ground in embarrassment.

Pink Diamond tilted her head lightly in confusion before shrugging it off happily returning to her excitement.

Pink Diamond began to bounce happily grabbing my hand and pulling me along. Her vivid pink skin contrasting mine. I let out a gasp as my feet left the ground as I was pulled down the long winding hall.

"I absolutely cannot wait for you to meet the other gems! They are going to be thrilled to meet you!" I didn't respond to her words I simply continued to cling onto her arm as she ran down the hall.
She came to an abrupt stop in her court room

"And here we are! These are all the gems you get to work with." I looked around the room at her words a pearl with vivid pink clothing smiled at me as she bounced happily. I smiled at her in return the grin slowly creeping it's way onto my face.

"May I go and meet them my Diamond?" I looked up to her cautiously, almost afraid of how she would respond.
Instead of answering her face broke out in a smile as she nodded quickly. I curtsied quickly and broke away from her as I began to run quickly towards the other gems. I smiled at the pearls as I walked towards them they backed away quickly already prone to fear me and my previous owner. I took notice as I diverted away from the pearls, of the way they coward in fear. I began to walk towards the zircon's and that agate's. Who backed away from me in terror. I looked around to see every gem in the room back away from me in fear I turned my face to the ground, my smile gone and my eye's heavy with tears that would not be shed. I looked up to the ceiling in distress as I blinked quickly as to banish my tears from my eyes. A pink blur appeared in front of the pearl section. I blinked once more as a tear escaped my eyes trailing down my pale cheek.

"Hello. I'm Pearl." The blur said happily I looked up at her my eyes wide with surprise.

"Well? What's your name?" She asked again impatiently I wiped my eye quickly as she continued smiling.

"Onyx. My name is Onyx." I smiled at her slowly as more pearls began to walk out and towards me. One pearl grabbed my arm and held it up.

"You look just like us!" She explained her short hair bouncing as she looked up at me in wonder. Before she pulled me down and looked at the gem that was placed on my forehead.

"Extraordinary." She mumbled lightly as the other pearls continued to observe me and my gem. I heard a melodious laugh echo out from my Diamond at the pearls curiousity. I looked up towards my Diamond with a smile, a smile happier then I had ever smiled before. I sunk to the floor as the pearls all began to hug me and each other. The two pearls that were closest to my ears leaned in closer to whisper to me happily.

"Welcome home."

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