Chapter III

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I smiled at the Pearl 8xy as we walked to the court room with our Diamond. We giggled as Pearl 8xl continued flirting with a Ruby from Yellow Diamond's court. We watched as the Ruby's blush continued to grow and 8xl's smile grew wider and more flirtatious with each passing second.

Once the doors to the court room finnaly came into sight the Ruby fell back looking resigned and almost disappointed. 8xl had a smile etched into her face and didn't look as though it was fading any time soon.

I sat next to Pink Diamond, boredom evident on my face as Yellow Diamond's Zircon droned on and on about why it was a good idea to start the colonization of yet another planet. I glanced up at my Diamond who was listening in attentively, which was surprising for her. I glanced back down to continue listening to Zircon's lecture as a cold chill suddenly filled the room. I felt my body tense slightly and my back straighten up at the sound of her heels. Everybody in the room, frozen by her presence shuddered at the sound of her sickly sweet voice.

"Well, don't stop of my account. Please continue." White Diamond said waving her hand towards Zircon dismissively. She stuttered slightly before continuing her lecture.

"-if we were to create another colony, we could have more soilders, more peridot's and more lazulie's." I saw 8xy's hand shoot up from the corner of my eye her side bun's catching my eye's. Zircon looked almost surprised that someone was willing to ask a question in the presence of White Diamond.

"Yes?" Zircon asked in confusion wondering what she could have been asking.

"Why would we need more lazulie's? Aren't they useless? What do they even do?" 8xy asked quickly her head tilted in question. Everybody gasped and turned towards Blue Diamond, afraid as to how she would react to this blatent disrespect. Blue however didn't do anything but look surprised she would ask such a question. Then we watched White Diamond rise from her seat. Pink Diamond's eyes widened in fear for her Pearl. My eyes shifted back and forth between White and Pearl as White began to approach her slowly.

"Starlight. Have you not been training your Pearl manners?" White Diamond looked on at Pink in disappointment. Pink didn't answer instead she continued to gaze upon White in fear of what she would do to her Pearl.

"An example must be made." White Diamond smiled before grabbing Pear 8xy roughly and walking out of the room, as she stepped over the threshold she looked down at her Pearl.

"Oh, and before I go." White drew her sword and pointed it at her Pearl.

"Make her happy" was her last command to Pearl before she poofed her. We watched Pearl look down to the ground as the sword was driven through her form causing it do vanish. Her gem clattering loudly against the ground.

I stood in my Diamond's chambers my eyes open wide as images flashed in my brain. Images of what White would do to my friend

I jumped as the door shut loudly. My eyes flitting towards my Diamond walking slowly with the new Pearl walking behind her. My eyes narrowed at the new Pearl in anger, blaming her for my friends fate.

"Is there anything else you need my Diamond?" She asked in her obnoxiously high pitched voice.
I felt a low growl build up in my throat as I continued my angry stare.

"Um no that will be all." She said looking at Pearl in obvious discomfort Pearl nodded once before leaving her chambers. Once the Pearl left I felt my glare turn towards the ground. My rage filled eyes thinking of all the horrible, terrible things White Diamond could be doing to her.

"Is something bothering you Onyx?" I looked up in surprise my shocked eyes meeting my Diamonds concerned ones.

"No my Diamond." My eyes returned to the ground quickly trying to avoid her prying gaze.

"Are you lying to me Onyx?" She asked persistently I felt my words clog my throat and tears threaten to spill my eyes as I nodded silently. I felt her large hand place itself on my shoulder as my tears slid down my cheeks in despair. My shoulders rising and falling as sobs left my throat.

My Diamonds arms wrapped me into a hug as I cried into her shoulder.

"It's because of Pearl, isn't it" I nodded my head as I sobbed louder. My heart throbbed in sorrow knowing that she'd never be the same after whatever White Diamond did to her. Horrifying images of White with her sword filling my brain.

"Well.." Pink trailed off not knowing how to console her first attendant.

"It's just why would White Diamond react so negatively to her disrespecting a gem of a different court?!" My voice cracked as I continued to visualise against my will.

"It's not the fact that she disrespected someone of a different court so much that she disrespected her peer indirectly." Pink pointed out. I sobbed louder because despite what I wanted to believe, she was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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