chapter 2 : meet the devil

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" there! This is our classroom! "
Historia cheered before being dragged inside by ymir.

(Y/n) glanced inside carefully noticing a petite woman sitting at the teachers desk.

She glanced at her and smiled softly before standing up from her chair.

" you must be (y/n) (l/n) ? " she questioned and held her hand out to (y/n).

The (h/c) female nodded a bit and smiled back shaking the teachers hand.

" I'm petra ral. For you ms. ral of course. I'm th home room teacher of your class. " she introduced herself.

" it's a pleasure to meet you. " the younger female bowed her head a bit.

" now... how about you introduce yourself to the class? "
Petra questioned and turned to the females that were chatting on their selves.

" quiet down for a moment ladies. "
She called out catching the attention of all of her students.

" as you may know we'll receive a new young lady that joins our lessons.
She finally arrived. "
Ms. ral looked over at (y/n) showing her that she could introduce herself.

" my name is (y/n) (l/n). It's nice meeting you all. "
She smiled bowing down a little.

The female students examined the new girl up and down.

" all right. Does anyone have any questions for (y/n) ? "
Petra questioned causing a girl with brown hair and a pony tail to raise her hand.

" where are you from ? "
She asked seeming rather joyful.

" I am from stohess... my mother and I got here to have a new start. "
She replied no expression resting on her face.

Most of the girls seemed amazed by her answer.

" but I've heard stohess is so pretty ! Why come to trost...? "
Another female asked which caused (y/n) to shrug a little.

" stohess isn't anything special I suppose. "
She stated and glanced back at the petite teacher.

" right so... how about you sit next to..." petra glanced through the rows before a blonde female raised her hand.

" next to me... is still room... "
She offered seeming rather bored.
The girl had a small messy bun and icy blue eyes.

" yes thank you. Please take your seat (y/n). " petra smiled and the female made her way over to the petite blonde sitting down next to her.

" thanks for offering me a seat. "
(Y/n) smiled having the other female only nodding.

" you're welcome. I'm annie by the way... "


The bell rang signalling that the lunch break was about to commence.

(Y/n) witnessed a soft sigh escaping the blondes lips next to herself.

" are you okay annie? " she asked raising a brow in confusion.

Annie just shrugged simply seeming a little annoyed.

" we have lunch now... together with the boys... that won't be too amusing... " she replied standing up from her seat.

The (h/c) yaw dropped for a second.

They were gonna have lunch with the male students?

" oi, (y/n) you there? " Annie asked waving her hand up and down in front of the other females face.

She received a small blink and a nod from her.

" yeah... sorry... "

" you can sit with me at lunch... we'll Most likely have some peace... " She offered and (y/n) nodded once again forcing a small smile on her lips.


When they both entered the middle building (y/n) glanced around amazed at how big this building actually was.

" this building is for when we have lessons with the boys or lunch... " Annie explained and (y/n) brought her hand up to her chin.

" I see... " she muttered glancing more around while annie walked forward.

After a few minutes she caught up with her and they both entered the lunch hall together.

Loud chatting.

The hall was mostly full with guys since the females preferred to eat on the roof or just stay in the home room.

" c'mon the tables in the back... " annie called out to (y/n) pulling hrr behind herself by the sleeve of her jacket.

When they reached their destination they both sat down at the table. Not next to each other though.

Annie took the seat opposite of the female.

" say... annie.... is this always so noisy in here? " the taller female asked and annie gave a simple nod.

" what do you expect by so many young men who act like toddlers... "

(Y/n) was about to reply until two guys approached the females glancing at them.

" annie . You finally made a friend huh? " a low chuckle escaped the mouth of one of them.

Turning her head a little (y/n) was able to scan both of the males.

Both rather tall with a muscular body while one of them was taller with dark hair. He seemed rather shy.

While the other one owned short blonde hair was shorter but also seemed more muscular to her.

Only one word crossed her mind when the blonde send a smirk in her direction.


" shut it. " annie growled and both of the boys sat down with the female. The blonde next to annie while the dark haired one sat next to (y/n).

" (y/n)... these idiots are reiner... " she started and pointed at the blonde next to herself.

" ...and bertholdt. " she finished and pointed at the male next to (y/n).
He smiled shyly at her which made the (e/c) female scoff and turn away.

" pleasure meeting you... " she muttered sarcasm clearly audible.

" what's wrong hot stuff ? Are we not attractive enough ? Jeez I thought we actually were... " reiner smirked and leaned forward a little.

" r - reiner... " bertholdt sighed in disappointment scratching his cheek nervously.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes still not facing the trio. " don't you ever call me that again. " she warned.

" or what ? " the smirk on reiner's face was growing and he raised his one eyebrow.

The (h/c) haired female stood up now facing them. A death glare resting on her face.

She reached for the tie of the blonde and pulled him closer to her face making him slightly nervous ( he wouldn't show it though ).

" or you'll met the devil in person. " she snapped and pushed the blonde back in his seat turning around before leaving the lunch hall.

A small grin was visible on annie's lips.







" I like her already... "

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