"stop looking in the mirror" thoughts and opinions

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Link : https://youtu.be/TsCqMhhoHa8

Admittedly I did feel like this for many years and felt I was different from everyone else and that I was truly ugly

But as the years go on and the more I discover I realise I look decent

And life goes on and I still think that I am not attractive enough because no one wants to date me and it does make me feel lonely

If I had to say things I'm self conscious about right now if it had to be my physical self it would be my hair and my body

I always believed my hair wasn't nice and people didnt like it because it was curly and a mess when in reality people wish they had hair like mine back then.

My hair is short now and is no longer looking good at all and sometimes it bothers me and makes me wish I could just wear a hat instead but I can't

Over my life I have heard the word fat float around as words to describe me as well i am not obese just over weight and whenever i look at my thighs i always think they are larger than they are supposed to be

So now you know what I think about when I look at myself

I very much believe that we give ourselves the cruelest judgment at times

The video is a good message to spread because I know many of us out there feel that way about ourselves and it's best for us to support ourselves and eachother in this community

Life is a burden for us all I think it would be less of one if we all loved eachother and ourselves

I have to find myself too I know I am lost still and hey I might get some help on the way and that's okay too

Hey guys sorry I posted this so frequently and so late I just wanted to address this to everyone and encourage to share it as well

Leave your thoughts in the comments and I'll see you next time

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