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......I was tagged.....

Lol I am alright with that I don't get tagged often (thank god)

So I was tagged by akatsuki_ship_lover

This is what I was tagged to do...

This is what I was tagged to do

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1. Well I gotten the nicknames "elly" and "satan" from others but here I use the nickname "eli" (plz dont call me elly or satan ;-;)

2. brown I dont really stand out

3. brown I dont really stand out

4. I turned 15 a few days ago (yay I guess) it wasnt too special I just got a bunch of manga

5. Colors are great why do they make us choose one and call it our favorite what if I dont want to choose only one what if I like them all (I think I took this too far) (let's just say its black because of multiple reasons that arent depressing)

6. Somewhere high far away from where I live where I can breathe the air and feel so free... it's in new mexico but that's all I'll tell you.

7. Don't really have one I kinda have no life to bother about liking celebrities so none I guess

8. Dogs forever. Best friends of the world.

9. https://youtu.be/COlXAgQ6Cu0 (ok that was a joke if you actually went to the link) I dont have a favorite (again) but I like depressing songs and cheerful songs idk why but i do

10. Attack on titan volume 21 (past the anime lol)

Not gonna tag yall but if you want to do it be my guest I'll call it "you tagged yourself" lol

Either way I have been gone for a while now and it's almost december so I have to worry about grades and then finals week which teachers have been bringing up >.<

So until next time I'll see you all later!

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