savior or moment ruiner?

8 1 14

So a story about yesterday for today

So afterschool I stick around look for my friends and wait for people to walk home so I can walk home alone without a bunch of people walking with me.

So yesterday I found one of my friends I usually find and for me I really like to talk to that person so I just have a grand time talking to them we make it to the library and hang out there it was pretty cool it was a nice friday. I was looking for my other friend because just before we noticed that their ride person left so we went to the library and they werent there but we stayed a while then we went to their usual spot and saw them there with one of my other friends.

So us 4 talked for a while and the one that I was looking for (next time I talk about my friends I should give them fake names) got a call from their mom and they offered to give me  ride and usually I say yes but this time I said I dunno because I wanted to talk to my friend I liked talking to some more.

So the conversation went like this

"Hey eli do you want a ride"

"Ah I dunno"

(To their mom) "she said yes."

The rest of us were surprised by thier response and I was dragged to their car which was actually good because i was already too late to walk home to be considered "on time" at home and I never know if I might have stayed and said som thing weird

So that's all for that story but afterschool we got some nice scenery to look at and I take pictures sometimes so heres a bonus picture

So that's all for that story but afterschool we got some nice scenery to look at and I take pictures sometimes so heres a bonus picture

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That's the back of the school our school has a lot of entrances..

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