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MALFOY MANOR was the kind of place that looked dead.

It was a large house, resembling a castle more than anything else, built out of a grey marble that was so cold to the touch it could chill the blood that ran through your veins to ice. The floor were marble to match, freezing and slippery to walk on in socks. But to a certain fifteen year old girl, it had been her home her entire life.

Elodie Lestrange sat in her room, perched on the window seat across from her bed that overlooked the gardens. It was not unusual behavior for Elodie to spend hours there at a time, simply watching the gardens. Listening to the gentle chirp of distant birds or the rustle of the trees. She often sound peace and solace in sitting there alone.

The gardens looked as if they had once been smart, many years ago. Elodie could remember happier times from when she was young, most likely around three years old, how the Malfoys would get their grass cut in fancy stripes and how she used to love sitting at the window with it wide open, just to smell the cut grass in the summer sun. But of course the grass hadn't been cut in months, the flowerbeds were waterlogged and wilted, and no one had even bothered to walk in the gardens for a very long time.

"Cloud watching are we?" Asked a voice and Elodie looked around, her hazel eyes flicking over to where her cousin had just popped her head around the door.

"Oh yes, there's a fabulous one over there that shaped like a dog that looks just like you-" Elodie retorted with a small smirk, turning her attention to the window again. Lucinda Malfoy rolled her eyes. She was three years older than Elodie and she still could not understand the girl in the slightest. Elodie just continued to look out of the glass, as if waiting for someone or something.

"What are you waiting for? He's not coming back Elodie. Diggory is dead," sighed Lucinda. She was the only member of the family who had known of Elodie's friendship to Cedric, and even then Lucinda did not fully know how close the two had been. Elodie's head snapped around and her eyes flashed with dark fury, as if something had quickly snapped within her chest.

"You think I don't know that? I know he's gone! I saw his dead fucking body lying there-" She raised her voice, her hands clenching into fists in her lap and her knuckles turning white as she restrained her temper as best as she could. 

Lucinda took a step back, her expression slightly crestfallen at the harshness of Elodie's words. But as instantly as Elodie's upset had arrived, Lucinda watched as her face fell again, lapsing into passiveness like a curtain falling over an empty stage.

"No need to be a bitch about it. I just came to let you know that your delightful Mother has just arrived and she wants to see you. She was practically buzzing so it must be good news," remarked Lucinda raising an eyebrow calmly as she stood back to hold the door open for Elodie to leave her room.

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