The School Board

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Chapter 11

Jeez, it was one punch, AND HE STARTED IT!

Tuesday, 9 am, and we are waiting in the waiting room. Jared's mom is here, John's parents, and my dads...

It was awkward, my dads wanted to kill John, his parents hate Jared, our parents and my guts, and his poor mother is wondering what the actual fuck is going on.

This is a mess.

"I would like to see the parents of the victimized students."

John's parents got up, and then our principal asked, "You're Mr. James Wondernez & Ruben Wondernez,, correct?"

His mother blew a fuse...

"That little brat is the victim? My baby boy is getting accused of things he didn't do. It's obviously this way because of the fact that she has no limits in her life. Gets what ever she wants. Her fathers went to Alaska because she was sad. It's pathetic. If there is any victim, its my son, who is in unjustifiable trouble. "

And, them Ruben blew a fuse...

"Excuse me? I must be hard of hearing, did you call my daughter a brat? I swear, if you say that again, I'll feed you to Katy Perry's guard dog. You better get your facts straight. You say anything to my little girl, and I'll sue. My brother hasn't lost a case in his life. My parents might have done nothing about me being bullied for standing up for myself, but I'll be damned if some Beverly Hills drop out, makes my daughter's life miserable. Vai bruciare all'inferno."

I understood what Ruben said, she clearly didn't. That was good. He isn't very happy with her.

"I'll, uhm, see you now...," my principal's voice came.

"Great. Let's get this sorted out," said James, the 'calmer' one. I knew that he already had ways of ruining her entire life.

he was definitely getting her in prison for something, I could almost, just almost, see the blueprints and note boards. I love my family. I swear, we'll rob a bank someday...

probably uncle Leo's piggy bank. (heheheheh)

"Jared, kiddo, why am I here? Judging by the little show there, you must be Alice. It's great finally meeting you."

"Mom, we are here, because he called Alice a slut, he punched me, I asked him to quit it, he didn't, and then I punched him on his jaw. That bruise, that's what I gave him."

"I really shouldn't say this, but I'm proud of you. If you told him to stop, and he didn't, I cant really be mad, can I? That bruise is gonna stay there a while though. You are definitely your father's son. He'd be proud of you, even if this is a schoolboard meeting regarding discipline."

His mother gave a little laugh, while he gave her a beaming smile. I laughed with her. She's so vibrant.

"It's nice meeting you Mrs. Blacks, I hope seeing you again, under different circumstances."

"That would be great. But, if I am being honest, meeting you like this, you wearing tights, sweaters and sneakers, makes me like you more. Hair in a messy bun. There's no being superficial here. I appreciate that."

"I'd appreciate it, if my mother and girlfriend didn't talk about this here."

"You're right Forest, want to have dinner at my house Saturday? You and your mother, and any other member of your family."

"Thank you for the invite. We will be there, if its ok with your dads."

'They will love the excuse to get dressed up and prepare food."

We all gave little laughs.

I could feel John's jealous eyes on me and Jared. I am ready to put him in his place. He can call me what he wants, but he insulted Jared. That's dangerous territory. He'll get what he deserves.

After what felt like hours, the principal finished the meetings with everyone and their parents.

"After today's meetings, myself and the school board have come to the decision that all involved will face necessary three day suspensions, however, John Hills will be receiving two weeks' detention, every day. if there are any further problems, it is recommended to contact the school, and if this same situation, or one similar, would occur, further disciplinary meetings will be held, but the government officers will be brought in, for further discussions. This school is extremely prestigious, and don't take situations as such, lightly whatsoever. Mr. Hills, because of proof, and witnesses, your punishment has been taken further. Any complaints should be directed to the school boards office, as well as mine. Thank you to you all, for co-operating with us. Whether this will be put on permanent record, is still being determined. As soon as an answer gets out, you will all be notified. Good day for you all."

It was 3 pm now. This was six hours...

But, hey, it's as he said. This school doesn't take these types of stuff lightly.

I guess this is sorted out then. No school for three days.


(Big sister thing XD)

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