Chapter 1

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(Image not mine)

Oh? You came back? Well, I wasn't expecting that. You most likely liked the last time we did this. Now, just let me grab my jacket... You should grab yours too. It's rather cold in the mental hospital. Ready? Alright, let's go...

We could see Cinderella walking in the "Bedroom" hallway. She made a stop at the door that read, "Bedroom 4". She slowly opened the door and was met with three beds. One on one side, the other two on the other. There was also a nice little kitchen and a small door to the bathroom. She looked around, until she decided just to sit on one bed until she was told to do something.

About twenty minutes later, the door opened. A pair of siblings walked in. They glanced at her for a split second, but then walked towards the the other two beds. They sat next to each other and just sat there, looking at anywhere in the room exept for Cinderella.

Cinderella seemed to have had enough of the awkwardness and decided to make small talk.

"So, how are you both doing." Cinderella asked. It seemed as though it was more of a demand rather than a question.

"W-we're doing good ma'am..." The female sibling answered.

"How'd the little therapy go." Cinderella said, still demanding answers.

"Do you really need to ask us this? Hell, you're not even asking anything. You're demanding it." The male sibling said, getting on Cinderella's nerves. The female sibling jabbed him in the rib.

"I'm sorry about my brother. He can get a little bit over protective of me sometimes," The female sibling apologized. "And the therapy went well, I suppose..."

"Ok... What are your names?" Cinderella, finally, asked.

"I'm Hansel, and bro right here is Gretel!" Hansel replied. "What's your's?"

"My name's Cinderella." Cinderella said.

"Wait... As in... Cinderella? The one who married Prince Charming?" Gretel asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I am." Cinderella said, smirking snobbishly(Is smirking snobbishly even a thing?).

"Now it makes sense at why you're here!" Gretel realized.

"W-what?! What the hell do you mean you little brat?!" Cinderella asked angrily.

"Heh, the news spread all around the world. We all know what you did. Then again, I shouldn't have expected much from an oblivious princess(or Queen)." Gretel replied, smirking at the anger that was clearly displayed on Cinderella's face.

"Yeah, well your not so much better, now are you?!" Cinderella said.

"Of course I'm not, we all have a reason at why we're here. But yours... It's just an ugly story." Gretel said.

"Ugh... I really can't waste my time on you," Cinderella muttered. "Look, just don't speak to me. I don't have to waste my breath on brats like you." 

"And I don't need to waste my breath on insane princesses(or Queens) like you". Gretel said whilst his smirk slowly reappeared.

Cinderella didn't say a word. She just sat there and looked away. She would sneak an angry glance once in a while though. 

Hansel was, least to say, not very surprised. Her brother was known for making enemy's in like, three seconds. But seriously, he really needed to stop doing that. It's a huge problem, and it's not helping his mental state either.

"What a b**ch." Gretel said from beside her.

"Gretel! That's not nice! And she isn't a b**ch! She's just a little... Snobbish. That's all." Hansel said, jabbing her brother again.

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