Chapter 2

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(Image not mine)

Brrr... The weather's getting colder... Huh? Oh hey there old friend! It's been a long time, hasn't it? But we're here now, aren't we? Now, let's go inside, shall we? Wait, grab your coat. Winter's here, and the climate's getting cold!

Red's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling rather... weird... I had a headache and I felt like my body wasn't functioning very well. I looked over to my bedside and to the drawer, the clock reading '10:57 A.M.' 

'Ugh, too early...' I thought, already dreading the day. Unfortunately, some neighbors of mine decided it would be a good idea to bang their fist repeatedly on my door.

"Ok, ok! I'm coming!" I yelled, rushing to the door.

"Finally!" Hansel said when I finally decided to open the door.

"You know how long we've been waiting?" Gretel  asked me.

"Brother, don't say that! That's rude!" Hansel said.

Gretel  just scoffed and said, "Whatever, let's go to the cafeteria. We're already late."

I looked at the clock, realizing he was right. We were originally supposed to go fifteen minutes ago! 

"Well what are we waiting for?" I asked in a hurry.

We all went down stairs together, even managing to meet up with Cindy at one point. After, we went to the cafeteria to get our breakfast. 

My breakfast was a mix of mashed potatoes, an apple, orange juice, and a simple sandwich. The rest of my little "group" got their food and we chose a table near one of the staff doors. We ate in silence, not bothering to make small talk with each other. It was awfully comforting, sort of like when I snuck out of my house and went up to the small hill near the house.

Suddenly, a brown haired female sat down at our table, uninvited. She was in a simple white dress, her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and even with the simple look, she could obviously have anyone she wanted.

"Excuse me, but were you invited?" Gretel asked, clearly annoyed.

"Yes, yes I was. This lovely table invited me over." She said.

"What?" Gretel said confused. "You do know tables can't talk, right?"

"Really? It's talking right now. How stupid could you be?" She asked, offended for some reason.

"Ma'am, tables don't speak." I tried to tell her kindly.

"You're right. I'm sorry. It's my 'mental heath issue' apparently." She said scowling.

"It's fine," I told her. "Come, sit down with us. What's your name?"

"Belle. I'm Belle." She told us.

"Nice to meet you Belle!" and "Welcome Belle!"'s were rang through our table. Belle smiled at us, but frowned at Gretel, since he was the only one that wasn't even try to make her feel welcomed. 

I nudged his ribs with my elbow a bit.

"Oh c'mon, lighten up! You barely have any friends now!" I whisper yelled to him.

"I don't need too many friends." He said shortly.

Finally, lunch was over and we all returned to our bedrooms. I all of the sudden remembered that Snow White was getting out tomorrow, Dr. Nivaro told me. I got an excited volt run through me as if it was the Flash. I smiled at the thought, already thinking of ways that I could make it up to Snowy.

Hours past, my session past, laughs and jokes past, and soon, it was time to go to bed. I honestly didn't want to, but I had to. Because Snowy was getting out tomorrow, and the more I slept, the quicker it would come. The darkness pretty much consumed me and my entire being, sending me into a dreamless sleep.

Morning came by slower than expected, but it didn't matter now. I hugged Snowy the second she came through the doors.

"Woah! Come down there tiger, I was only gone for like one and a half days." Snowy said, laughing .

"I just missed you, ok?" I said, my words muffled by the fabric of her clothes.

"I missed you too, Red." Snowy said genuinely.

We hugged for what felt like decades. I never wanted to let go, but I had to, because Snowy and I didn't want to be literally attached to the hip. Once we finally let go of each other, we heard a knock at the door. I smiled and went to open it, and sure enough, there was Hansel, Gretel, Cindy, Belle, and some other female standing before me

"Snow White! Red! Hi!" Hansel said, startled by the fact that Snowy was back.

"Hello everyone." Snowy said politely and waved.

"Snowy, this is Hansel, Gretel, my childhood friends, Cindy and Belle, my other friends, and... um, I don't know that other woman, sorry." I said sheepishly.

"Heh, I'm Aurora." The woman, now identified as Aurora, told me.

"It's very nice to meet you Aurora." I said as I smiled at her.

"Pleasure to meet all of you." Snowy told them in a kind way.

"So... do we all just hang out now?" Gretel asked. "Most of us still have, like, two hours."

"Sure, why not." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

We all went inside me and Snow White's bedroom. We all started chatting, joking around, and it was a fun time. Cindy even baked us all cookies! It all gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside my stomach, and I absolutely loved it.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Gretel looked over his group of... rivals and friends? He didn't know himself, but it was weird.

"Hey." Aurora said to him.

"Hi." He said back.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Good." He replied. Its been a long time since anyone talked to him like this... it was nice.

"Don't like people too much?" She asked knowingly.

"Maybe." Gretel said.

"What are you even in here for?" She asked curiously.

"PTSD. Anger issues." He answered shortly. "What 'bout you?"

"Depression. Bipolar. Social anxiety." She said to him.

"Sucks." Gretel told her.

"Yeah, it's not that bad though." She said, looking at him right in the eye. She then proceeds to walk away, leaving Gretel rather confused on why exactly she was talking to him of all people.

Well that was interesting, wasn't it? Snow White came back, a new character was introduced and seemed to have taken a liking to Gretel (not in a romantic way). Oh, I almost forgot, you can take off you coat now. I'll make you some hot chocolate.

I don't really have anything to say, but hey to all you peeps and goodnight or good day. Worship SpongeBob or die.

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