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"I'm really sorry, Yoongi" Jimin looked towards the distraught male, feeling his heart stop for a second when he reached for the males hand only to feel him snatch it back towards him, his eyes starting to gloss over "please, don't be mad at me.."

"I'm not mad"

He was just confused. He messed up Yoongi's work and he wasn't mad? It didn't make any sense. "You're lying"

"I'm not" 

Yoongi picked up the book that dripped with water and threw it in the trash "but I do want you to leave"


Jimin tried to hold back tears, knowing the older was serious as he made his way towards the door and closed it himself, finally letting out tears. He knew he shouldn't be the one crying but he was hurt, he only wanted to make Yoongi happy but he made him upset. This was the second time Yoongi broke his heart. 

just great. 


Ruffling his fingers through his hair, Jimin made his way home, hugging himself as his eyes blurred. He couldn't see well from all the crying but couldn't call Namjoon, the last thing he needed was another lecture

"Need a ride?"

The male looked up. It was the last person he expected to see. 



Now that his papers were drenched, Yoongi was unsure of what to do anymore, he didn't feel like continuing his story but he also didn't feel like just sitting around so he decided to get out and get fresh air, something he hadn't done in awhile

He went to his favorite bookstore, the place where he and his former lover would go to admire the reminiscent smell of old books and hear shushed chatter

Wrapping his jacket closer around him, he rubbed his arms for warmth and entered, the familiar sound of the bell made him smile as he was greeted by the owner. He'd been there long enough to be recognized each time he came, surprised the male still knew his name

"Long time no see, Mr. Min"

He was the only person who called him so formally

"Here to buy new books or just reading?"

"Just reading" he confirmed

"where's your friend? The loud one who's always with you?"

He was gone. 

The last time Yoongi saw him was when they were hugging each other, in hopes of not dying as the car came flying back. He was dead, Yoongi saw it with his two eyes, the blood, glass, everything

"Ah, he moved"

The owner nodded sadly "I miss him" Picking up a book he walked towards Yoongi and handed it to him "This is a good book for you to read, take it home and enjoy it"

Placing it to his chest, he tried to fish in his pockets for money but was stopped by callous hands

"My treat, please"

"Alright, then"

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