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"What took you so long?"

Jimin frowned as he wrapped his arms around his body, his pajama robe clinging tightly to his skin, Yoongi could feel his heart start to race



He looked up and coughed lightly, opening the door wider to allow entrance to the younger "I fell asleep, I should be asking why you took so long"

Jimin poked his tongue in his cheek, as if deep in thought before entering "Your place looks a mess"

"I have eyes, I can see that"

"You should get your eyes checked"

"You should get your attitude checked"

"I missed you"

"I missed you too"

Smiling at each other, the two engulfed the other in a tight hug before separating "so, you usually don't call me over for nothing..what's up?"

"Um, I don't know how to say this but.."

Jimin raised a brow towards Yoongi

 'Was he about to confess?'

Yoongi looked down at his hands then up again, something he did when nervous "I-"

"I think I have a ghost in my house"

"Me to-OH."


"Nothing, I mean uh, you do?"

Yoongi nodded and pointed towards his bookshelf 

"Books keep falling, food keeps going missing"

"Do ghosts even eat human food?"

"I guess so..?"

Jimin rolled his eyes but nodded, taking out his phone 

"I know someone who can help"

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