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Trigger Warning: Hallucinations, mental illness,
This fanfiction may appropriate and have inaccurate information about mental illness. Do not read if this will upset you.

Nico POV
I'm just going to say this from up top. I am in love with Will Solace. He's the reason I wake up. He's the reason I push through the hardships. He's my everything.

"Will, I love you." I say one afternoon. We're sitting under a tree in a nearby park. Will wraps his arms around me gently. "I love you, too, Neeks."

This was my life, and I loved it. Yeah, I had to deal with painful treatments for whatever the doctors said was going on in my head. And yeah, one of my sisters only visited me sometimes, but my other sister visited almost every day. And, I had Will. He was worth it. Because at the end of the day, once the scientists were done doing their stupid tests, Will would come and take me away to the park. We would sit under the tree, our tree, and we would relax. Sometimes we would get ice cream from the local shoppe. Sometimes Will would sing to me. Sometimes we would look at the passing clouds. But most of the time, we would just lay there, happy and content, my head in his lap, his hand in my hair.

Will believed me. He believed what no one else believed. He believed that there wasn't anything wrong with me. He believed that I could see things. Monsters, gods, titans. He said he was one of them. He was a child of the healing god.

Unfortunately, no one else believed me. No one else believed that I can see skeletons and ghosts. "Nico, please," Hazel would say, "Sit back down. There's nothing there."
"It's going to hurt you, Hazel. I can't let it hurt you."
"Nico. Sit down. I'll be fine. Did you forget to take your meds? They put you on new ones."
"Why do I have to take the meds?" I asked.
"We've been through this. To stop the hallucinations. Don't you want the monsters to go away?"
"The medicine will make the monsters go away?"
"It might. There's only one way to find out."

The medicine tasted like poison. It always tasted like poison.
It doesn't matter, I told myself. All that matters is Will. Seeing Will at the end of the day will make it all worth it.

Hazel left and I laid down on my bed. I opened my eyes, and Will was there. We walked to the park.

"Nico. I love you." Will said.
"I love you, too. I love you with all my heart."
"So, they put you on new meds, huh?"
"Yeah." I say. "They might make the monsters go away. But that's what they said about the other meds, too, and they haven't worked. But maybe these will."
Will smiles. "They'll work. I can feel it."

My days after that were pretty much the same. The doctors took my vitals, my sister came in and made me take my meds, and then Will and I hung out. My father came to visit me once a week. He was a busy man, Hazel said. He didn't have much free time. He visited as often as he could. I knew that was a lie, but it was nice that Hazel cared.

I started to get better. I stopped seeing monsters so often, which was really, really nice. I stopped seeing gods and demons and spirits and oracles. Will got busier. He stopped coming everyday. Just every few weeks. But it was fine. At least I got to see him.

"We're going to up your dose. 80 milligrams of Nexolnuxesione should stop hallucinations completely."

"The doctor was right." Will said.
"Will! I didn't expect to see you here!" I exclaimed, dropping my spoon and running over to him.
"I'm so sorry I haven't been able to visit. The gods have been stopping me."
"The gods don't bother me anymore, Will." Will hugged me. "Oh, Nico! I'm so happy for you!"
"Are we going to the park?"
"I'm sorry. We don't have enough time. I have to leave soon. I won't be able to see you again. But remember, I love you." He kissed my cheek. Then he left.

"Hazel!" I said. Hazel hugged me.
"I heard the meds were working! No hallucinations for six days!"
"Will's gone."
Hazel's smile disappeared. "Will. Your boyfriend? He was your boyfriend, right?"
"Yes. But he hasn't visited me."
"Nico, I need to tell you something."
"What, Hazel?"
"Will was a hallucination. He was just like the gods and the monsters. The medicine made him go away."

I felt as if lighting had struck my body. My heart physically ached.
"No." Is all I said. "No."
"Nico, Will would want you to get better, even though the only way to get better is without him." I start sobbing. I made him up. I don't want to get better without him.

AN// Someone requested a migraine fic so I looked it up. Then I got sad and stopped reading. This is how I imagine the rest of the fic would go, Solangelo style.

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