We are family!

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***Song: Unconditionally by Katy Perry***

After those words, the remainder of drive was incredibly lifeless! I think the words really got Dante's thoughts in a bunch because for a brief moment his mouth was moving but nothing came out.

Dante was genuinely rendered speechless.

Mike opened the door for me and somebody else opened the door for Dante. "Wait," Dante bellowed lowly. "Please leave us." The guards froze briefly before closing the doors and walking away but it's obvious that they're watching from a distance.

Dante cupped my face with his glove covered hands. "I'm willing to run away with you, Jaime." I let my face graze his cheek. "We're in a car. I can get us as far away from here as possible, we can go..."

"I don't wanna run away from my problems anymore, Dante. I hate facing them but if I keep running away they're never going to end." His thumb tossed away loose strands of my hair. "Let's just enjoy the reception and face tomorrow's problems when tomorrow comes. Yeah?"

Dante brought his face closer to mine. "'The true strength of a woman isn't determined by her dauntlessness or her love. Her true strength is determined by her intuition and how she acts upon it and her rationality.'"

"C. W. Soren?"

"No," he chuckled. "A lying prince who doesn't deserve the love and loyalty of the woman in front of him. She has had the craziest two weeks ever and he wasn't there to protect her and-"

I love how I feel when we kiss. It's like everything just melts away like ice cream. Our hands intertwined as he leaned into me, lowering me closer towards the fabric seats. His one hand began scrunching up the material of the skirt, almost like he was pulling it up.

Sex in a car? No guy like Dante in his right mind would do anything this completely uncharacteristic. Especially if he's this chivalrous prince that uses contemporary Shakespearean-type English with a faint French accent.

Mike ended the kiss when he knocked on the window behind me the opened the door while another guard opened the door for Dante. I grabbed my clutch as I turned away from him to get out.

Mike gave me a disconcerting look while closing the door. His face went back to being neutral when Dante took my hand in his own and we started walking towards the greenhouse-looking hall.

It was actually a greenhouse just less green more event venue. The walls and roof were a special type of glass -unlike greenhouse glass, this glass excreted heat rather than stored it. It was cool and just from seeing the workers setup the tables and chairs, it was huge!

Seeing it now with flowers draping from the chandeliers, these huge centerpieces and each of the tables decorated with: three candles, bouquet of flowers around the centerpiece and six designated seats, it just looks very fairytale-like. Well, a cross between a fairytale and a flower shop!

The reduced attendees list to the reception made breathing a little easier. I still wanted to avoid certain people for as long as possible. I turned to Dante and I saw smudged lipstick on his face. It was ridiculously funny but I can only imagine how I looked.

"You have lipstick blotches on your face," I whispered to him. He immediately contorted his face and started rubbing his face. I exhaled a laugh as I added, "you're making it worse. Sit down." I looked around then sat him down at the empty table behind me.

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