Tea with Prince Charming

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I woke feeling empty and miserable and with arms around me.

Please don't tell me I called Marco to spoon me! I was facing the buff chest that wore a plain black top and the breathing showed that whoever it was, was nervous if not frightened. Ribbon started growling which made me jolt upright and facing away from my companion. I only realize now how big he is in contrast to when first I got him.

He was by the window with his front paws against the glass that vaguely showed grass and a few blossoming trees. His black and white fur blended so perfectly with the white parts of the furniture. I stretched out then rubbed my one eye as I turned to face my companion. "Dare I ask how you got into my room?" Dante's green eyes were surrounded by black sagging rings and his once beautiful features looked so deflated. "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing I can't handle, just an immense lack of sleep." Ribbon stopped barking then jumped onto the bed and began licking me. I patted him on the side then he made himself comfortable on my lap. "As for your first question," Dante started mischievously, "Cassias castle and Antoine palace have secret passages that link together and lead straight into other parts of the city. Akasha and I use them when we hide from our parents. Seeing as Antoine palace has only been around for three years, I come here because very few know that it has interlinked passages."

"In other words, you're going to direct me to the nearest passage so that I can duck out to your room when my mom and Eddy are looking to piss me off?"

He chuckled briefly then ran a hand through my upstanding hair. "Sure but not now. I came here because I'm inviting you to join Akasha and myself for tea at our lovely castle. No parents... Or stepparents."

"I'd love to but are you sure that's the only reason you're here?"

"I've been banished to my room because our parents are in a meeting with members of the royal embassy. They're arguing over some formality about Eddy's crowning. I was supposed to be there -seeing as I am next in line- but father made it blatantly clear that I'm not to be involved. And I knew you'd still be sleeping by the time I got here; you sleep longer when you're upset. I've noticed."

Okay, not even I noticed that!

Shrugging the thought out of my mind, I turned to face my new room that I'm still not used to. The color scheme of mustard yellow, royal blue and white was well mixed but it's over the top compared to the simple cream and soft green of my room at La Carte palace. Not to mention that my passage at La Carte's leads straight to Renée's boutique. Plus Midnight is there, so are the twins. Unless they're moving with us here. Dante began stroking my shoulders and were left in silence for a while.

"Have you decided what sport you're going to do?" Then there's school! I shook my head, lightly.

St. Anne's makes very little sense to me; it's mandatory to do at least one sport and one extra activity. The extra activity was an easy pick; modern music. There was no way I was going to survive: the drama club, cheerleading, a fourth language, art, dancing or any of the extra activities, especially cultural committee. The committee that makes sure everyone is doing something.

Quick note on the fourth language thing. St. Anne's medium of instruction is English, then we have French as a first additional language -which I'm failing! First additionals are official school subjects. Your second additional language is an optional language and just as mandatory. Mine is Persian.

Sports was a completely different story! I have good hand-eye coordination it's just that I have trouble committing to a sport. Swimming, chess, cricket, soccer, even wrestling. I'm not a sporty person, I'm a music person. Unfortunately, my school doesn't care. I have to make a 'contribution' to the school for accepting me.

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