Chapter 2

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It's the last day of the summer and I'm lying next to Peter on my bed. I can feel his warm breath on my neck as he pulls me closer by my waist. College starts tomorrow and although I'm excited, I'm more nervous than anything else. Peter can feel the nervousness radiating off of me.
"Relax Covey, you're gonna be great at college" he whispers softly into my ear.
I take a deep breath and slowly exhale, convincing myself that he's right and that everything is going to work out.
"I'm gonna miss you so much Peter" I say but it comes out as more of a squeak. It takes all of my effort not to cry.
"I'll miss you more Lara Jean" he says back with a genuineness in his voice which makes my stomach flutter. He kisses me softly but swiftly on the lips before nestling in closer to me. I breathe in his scent and marvel at how I got so lucky. I can't believe that tomorrow I'll be leaving for college. Its so surreal to think about. Tomorrow Peter and I will be in different states. I'll be in a dorm, hours away from everyone I love most. 'I can do it' I say to myself in my head. Peter and I lie there in comfortable silence as we stare up at my bedroom ceiling, his hand still firmly placed at my waist. As I stare at the ceiling my eyes focus on the one remaining glow in the dark star sticker (the stubborn one that wouldn't peel off) that I stuck up so many years ago, still just hanging on by a thread. I feel like that star right now. Hanging on to a life that I will soon be leaving behind in exchange for a new one. I dont want to leave the solidarity of the life I'm living right now but yet at the same time I can't wait to experience UNC. All I know for sure is that everything I know right now is about to change.

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