Chapter 6

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The bus smells funny. It's a mix between BO and mouldy food. I take a seat close to the back of the bus and shove my ear phones in, trying to block out all the overly loud conversations. If cars were allowed on campus I would drive to UNC every day without a doubt. I listen to music the whole way there and before I know it the bus is pulling up in front of the UNC campus. My heart starts beating faster and I have to remind myself to breathe. Last time I came here I was with Chris. It seems bigger than what I remember but maybe that's just because I'm alone this time. Chris seems to have that effect on me. She relaxes me but also pumps me up and convinces me to do things I wouldn't normally do. Like when she convinced me to go to the concert that night. I'm really glad she made me do that. Wistfully, I remember how free I felt that night; jumping around amongst a crowd of strangers, singing to songs I'd never heard before and shouting to Chris above the noise. It feels like an eternity ago. I already miss Chris so much. I wonder what she's up to right now in the Dominican Republic. She could be doing anything right now. Literally anything. Sometimes I envy her but then I remember that we are two very different people and that there is no way I would suit that lifestyle. Thinking back to that night I can't help but smile. Suddenly I remember how I met a girl from UNC in the line on the way in to the concert. What was her name again? Holly? Hollis? Hollis. That's it. She gave me a piece of paper with her number on it and said I should call her if I end up coming to UNC. I make a mental note to make it a priority to find that slip of paper and call her by the end of the week.

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