How yuki got there

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,Chapter 1: how yuki got there


I don't own fairy tail, Tmnt, The Story of All of Us

Ples no sue


Yuki's Pov:

Right now i am out with my brother on a mission. The mission is to make ice sculptures and do a show. The reward is 22,000,000. Me and my brother are going to split it in half, so that means i get 11,000,000 and he gets 11,000,000. It's a lot of jewels. Well that's enough info lets get to the mission.

Storms Pov:

Yuki as ben spaced out for like 10 minnutes.

"Yuki" i said.

She isnt awnsering so i flicked her forehead.

yuki:"OUCH...What was that for dumb ass."

Storm: "you were spaced out for like 10 minnutes."

Yuki: "really? Well then lets get going than.

*Time skip*


While we were doing our job this guy opens a potal under my feet and i fall while screaming.



"YUKI" I yelled but it was to late. Shes gone. I start to attack him. While we are fighting we were by fairy tail. Next thing i know i puched him with my fist coverd in ice he goes flying through the door.

No ones pov:

The guild was laughing and fighting like normal when there was a lound noise.

The whole guild turned twords the door and saw storm glaring at the guy that flung though the door.

Storm: "now are you going to awnser me or am i going to have to beat it out of you."

Evreyones eyes wided at the tone he used. His voice sounded like he was ready to kill him. Then the mystery guy spoke up and said.

???: why would i tell you? What did you care for that person? Cause let me tell will only see her if she finds her own way back."

After that there was a *poof* and he was gone. Storm than puched a table and broke it while yelling


Master than walked up to him and asked what that was about. What storm said made everyone angry expecially gray.

Storm: "That guy sent yuki somewere" 

Master: "what do you mean sent her somewere?"

Storm: "I mean he opened a portal or something under her feet and sent her some were."

Everyone was beyond pissed.

Grays pov:

Everything was quiet until gramps said, "Storm...take to were this happened. Maybe i'll be able to sense the magic and reopen the portal for someone else to go to." i should go shes my daughter, but i need to be here for storm too. Ugg what should i do.

Storm pov:

After gramps said that i wanted to go immediately, but mom would be worried if i disappeared too. I know dad wants to go, but he wants to be here for me and mom.

No ones pov:

Just than the door opened and a boy with shaggy black hair walked in. he had a magic presence. He looked 3 years older than yuki. He was taking deep breaths. "Let me go"

Then gramps asked him why he would want to go. And what the boy said startled everyone. "I was sent to this dimension by that guy. Yuki saved my life a year ago from a monster, i want to make sure she's ok. Who knows what dimension she was sent to, i don't want her to go through the pain i went through." everyone was silent. Than gray spoke up, "i was wondering why you looked familiar. You name is dusy correct." "that's right Mr. Fullbuster." "like i said before call me gray. Anyway i think he should go. I meet him that day he fell from the sky. I was wondering where he went, but so you know, i trust this guy when he is serious." gramps then looked to everyone and said, "alright dusty, we will let you go. And when you guys come back i'll find a way for you to go home."

*time skip to teleport time*

And then he was gone. Fell though the portal to "save" yuki.

-To Be Continued

alright thx for the support on all my other books. ill try to post weekly.


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