Chapter One

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The large apartment gave a pleasant image as a white grand piano sits at the corner, the living room were tidy, the two rooms were clean, the play room has every toys kept in its own containers, the reading room has its book properly up on its shelves. Everything looked neat and tidy except the kitchen.

“Daddy, daddy! What did you put in the pot?!” a little girl whose hair and eyes are as blue like the sky yelped when something in the pot burst a bubble. Everywhere in the kitchen, on the ceiling, on the floor, on the window, on the cabinets including the two of them were cover in green gooey stuff. She tries to wipe the gooey stuff off her, “Eww…” her face scrunched up as the jelly thingy stuff stretched.

A tall dark tanned man in his mid thirties quickly turns off the fire as he quickly puts away his blue apron with a duck print up front, “Hold on, baby. Stay there.” He grabs a clean cloth from the cabinet and wiped the stuff off from his daughter, “Odd, I followed the guide. Why did it turned out that way?” he mumbles as he tries to get those off from her long locks.

“Maybe because you put those weird things you bought from the supermarket, Daddy.” She answered as her father wipes her face, “I never saw anyone put those inside a pot of curry.” She added. Aomine sighed as he looked at his terribly attempt to wipe those things off from Tsukiko.

“I guess no curry rice today. Come on, we’ll go out and find some dinner.” Carefully, his carried his daughter to the bathroom, “Go get a shower first. Clean those things off and then we’re leaving.” He closes the door. He could hear the sound of the shower being turn on. Then he went back to the kitchen. Frowning even more as he sighed at the mess, he did to the kitchen, “It’s a total disaster. I’m so not cut out for cooking.”

The curry pot well not so curry anymore with green gooey stuff in it were left untouched. He grabs the trash plastic bag and pours the entire unknown content into it before tying it up. He washed the pots and cleared the kitchen as much as he can so the kitchen can be enterable without stepping on those things. He stares at the white ceiling, which was now stained with those, “I need to call someone to clean up there.” He looks around the kitchen and decided its ‘clean’ enough; he went to get a quick shower.

“Daddy, are you done?” he heard his daughter voice outside his door. He quickly puts on a simple T-shirt and grabs his jacket, “Yea, baby. Wait a second.” He was about to open the door before he abrupt went to his nightstand where his phone and wallet is, “Coming.” He opens the door. He looked down at his small daughter who is no higher than his hip. He smiled at her. Those big round sapphire always remind him of his beloved wife, Tetsuki. “Come on, let’s go.” The smaller child quickly followed her father as fast as she can. Then, she quickly went to the living room and grabs her father sunglasses on the table.

“Daddy, you forgot this again.” She pulls his jacket, “Your sunglasses.” She gave it to him. He grins, “Thanks, babe.” He ruffles with her soft locks. How adorable can a child be at this age? Aomine wonder himself.

After checking the main door locked, he turns to his daughter, he grins wide, “There, it’s locked. Let’s go, shall we? Up you go!” he then scooped his daughter into his arms as she wraps her arms around his neck. She giggles. The two made their way towards their car after Tsukiko waved a bye to the front desk staff of the apartment. After tucking her on the passenger seat, he began to drive the car off the apartment area.


Yes, it has been over 10 years since the death of his beloved wife, Kuroko Tetsuki who was known as HEAVEN, a genius musician that only appears once every 70 years in the entertainment world. She suffered an incurable disease that affects her spine and brain. For 23 years, she lived her life to the fullest before it ends. She passed away on the same day she married to Aomine. It was a huge blow to him and everyone. He didn't took it well. He disappeared from the industry for a few years before his friends approached him and reveals that his wife has left him a song that never been release. It was taken during her duration in hospital on her last few months before her death. After seeing the support his wife has given after death, he moved on and accepted her death.

To Daddy Dearest [Aomine Daiki / Kuroko no Basket]Where stories live. Discover now