Chapter Two

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Pieces of colorful papers sprawled across the pink flowered wallpaper room. On the small table on the floor, scissors, glue sticks, stickers and what not. The colorful papers cut into shapes of flowers and object as her small hands draws something on the cardboard paper. Her big round sapphire orbs blinks as she took a dark blue crayons and start coloring some part of the drawing. Her small pink lips curves into a smile.

“Tsukiko-chan, your dad’s coming home soon. You might wanna put those away before he sees them.” the pinknette, Momoi Satsuki, a childhood friend of her father and the manager of the band was taking turn to babysit her. Her dad often reminds her not to eat anything that Big Sister Satsuki cooks.

You could get very bad stomachache - he said.

Tsukiko personally witnessed it first hand when Aunt Satsuki made her dad eats the entire pot of curry. All for the sake of him did not want his daughter be rush down to the hospital. No thanks to that cooking disaster, Aomine had to miss two days of practice all because of a stomachache.

“Okay, Satsuki nee-chan!” she quickly stacks all the papers as she kept everything in a box, and kept it hidden inside her closet where her dad would never check. Satsuki has made sure that Aomine learnt the proper way to raise a daughter especially on girl’s privacy.

The moment she heard the main door of the apartment opens, she knew who it was just by listening to those heavy sigh and footsteps. She puts the box away and quickly, left the room, “Daddy! Welcome home!” she hugged the taller man legs tightly. Her father, Aomine Daiki laughed as he puts his things down and carried the little child up into his arms, “Hey, I missed you!” he peeked a kiss on her soft cheeks. She giggles as she wrapped her small harms around her dad’s neck, “I missed you to, Daddy!”

“Welcome home, Dai-chan. Dinner’s prepared. So, just go ahead and dig it. President Nijimura called and he wants me to be down at the agency as soon as you reach home.” She grabs her handbag and puts on her high heels. The two watched her hurrying as she bends down to give the little bluenette a peek on the cheek.

“Bye bye, Satsuki nee-chan!” she waved her small little hands as Satsuki smiled at her before closing the door. Silence followed by. Then, Aomine smiled at his daughter, “Let see if what your Satsuki nee-chan cook something edible for us.” He grins as he carried her to the kitchen but soon after frowning at the smell as Tsukiko face scrunched up, quickly she covered her nose.

Aomine sighed as he opens the pot on the stove. Tsukiko eyed the pot, “I think I know where Daddy gets that talent to make a soup taste really weird.” She commented. He chuckles, “Do you, now?” he playfully pinched his daughter soft cheeks.

He grabbed his phone, “Well, I guess we’re gonna have pizza again tonight. Hawaiian, babe?” he grins. His daughter nodded as he goes to the living room and puts his daughter on the couch. She turns on the large flat screen TV while he ordered the pizza.

The pizza came a little later, “Daddy, pizza’s here!” while Aomine was doing the dish, clearing up the mess his childhood friend made. The soup that she made was certainly not edible. Wiping his hands clean on his apron, he followed his daughter to the door where the deliveryman was waiting.

After paying, he locked the door and brought the pizza to the kitchen. His daughter grabs two clean plates and two empty glasses. As if she has done this her entire life, she brought the fresh orange bottle out of the refrigerator. He smiled as he watched his daughter buzzing around the kitchen like his wife would.

He chuckle lightly as Tsukiko gets on the chair and poured the juice into each glass. Her large round sapphires looked at him as she tilted her head to the side, “Daddy, why are you smiling?” she pushed the glass to him. His smile grew wider as he ruffles with her soft locks, “Nothing, you just remind me a lot of how your mother used to be whenever she comes over to cook for me.”  He pulls a piece of the pizza and puts it on her plate as she drank her orange juice.

To Daddy Dearest [Aomine Daiki / Kuroko no Basket]Where stories live. Discover now