My hero!

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The British detective strolled into the saloon of Spitbucket USA, his eyes shifting around for, well, possibly the sheriff. He had heard that this towns sheriff was an alcoholic of sorts. I mean, in England they'd probably never let a 'sheriff' (If they ever had one, anyways.) be an alcoholic, but hey. Every place is different, right?

Detective Gould let out a huff of disappointment when he couldn't seem to recognize the sheriff anywhere in here. How would he find the sheriff now??
Well-.. He hadn't really checked anywhere but here.. And he did just arrive here. And he had only skimmed the place..
Detective Edward Gould was no.. No giver upper!
He'd find the sheriff.
Just after a drink or two. Heh.
The detective walked over to the bar, and sat down on a stool.

The barkeep was a man with light brown hair that was mostly covered up by a big brown hat. He wore a dark red shirt, and to add on, he had a handlebar mustache. He turned to look at the detective.
"What'll it be?" He asked in an almost emotionless voice, his Texan accent showing off quite a bit.

"I'll have a beer, please!" Edward chimed happily.

The barkeep set a glass of.. Whatever beer he had gotten for the detective, in front of Edward, whom when given it, picked the glass up and took a quick swig, before placing it down.

"The name's Gould, detective, Edward Gould. Im here looking for a member of the British royal family." He placed down a picture of.. A rather, um. Interesting looking polaroid of the Prince Matthew of England.
"He's gone missing, you see." Edward said, now with a slightly serious look on his face.

"Was he nailed to the floor?" Asked a different man across the room, in an almost joking tone, but he mostly sounded serious.
He made his way up to the confused detective with a now cocked eyebrow.

"Um.. No..?" Edward tilted his head to the side questioningly.

"Then he was taken by bandits."

"How do you know..??" Edward asked as the man took a swig from his flask.

"Anything that ain't nailed down gets taken by bandits around here." The man said with a shrug.

Edward was, well, confused, but this wasn't his town, so he decided not to question it.
"...Oh..!! Have you told the sheriff??"

The man looked up. Now that Edward could see his face easier, he saw that he had an eyepatch covering one eye, and the other eye didn't have much color to the iris. His iris was a dull brown color. He wore a brown hat with a star on it, and a light brown shirt, with a dark blue overcoat.
Oh, and he had a bit of stubble.Now that we're talking about looks, i guess i could explain Edwards appearance as well. He was a little bit of a generic looking person. He had short brown hair, and bangs. He had bright, sparkling brown eyes, and he always seemed to have a bright smile plastered onto his face. He had a light green long sleeved shirt, with another brown coat type thing with no sleeves layered on top of that

"I /am/ the sheriff." The man spoke matter-of-factly.

The young detective grinned.
"Ah!! Sheriff Thompson! I was told you'd be willing to find the prince!"

The sheriff frowned.
"Sorry kid, but I've got enough problems to deal with as it is. Don't got time to deal with your little problems." He waved his hand, taking another swig from his flask.

Edward pouted, his cheeks flushed slightly in annoyance.
"What a great sheriff you are.." He huffed out.
"What if i took your place for the day? Would you at least look for him, and leave the dirty work for me??"

Sheriff Thompson shrugged.
"'Dunno. What do i get out of this, hm?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk tugging at his lips.

The detective frowned, putting his hand to his chin.
"Well-.. The prince is, uh.. Good looking..?"

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