Thing's aren't always as they seem.

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"Ugh, this cat is so annoying." Tord muttered, as Ringo, Edd's pet cat rubbed against Tord's leg's. He didn't like cats.

Edd only smiled.
"Awe, cmon Tord!! Ringo isn't THAT bad!" He said.

Tord frowned.
"I'm putting the cat outside." He muttered, picking up the cat and walking outside, not bothering to put it down gently. He just dropped Ringo on the floor.

Edd sighed a little.
"Alright, whatever.."



"Oh.. Oh no.." The brown haired man muttered as he pulled into the driveway of his house.

He quickly got out of his car, rushing over to the twitching cat who had just gotten hit by the car. It was an accident, of course.
"Oh geez, Ringo.. Ah, fuck!!" The boy hardly ever swore, except when he was angry or upset.

Ringo was alive, mewling in pain. It was horrible to watch.

The man didn't think he had any other choice. He wasn't able to take the cat to the vet, it was closed, and it was really late.

A thought crept into his mind.

Put it out of its misery.

The brown haired man shook his head.
No, why would he ever do that..?? That's horrible, a horrible thing to do. But.. It was so tempting..
He rubbed the sleeves of his hoodie anxiously.
Well.. The cat was suffering anyways... Maybe he should just put it out of its misery. He stood up, sighing softly, and walking into the house quietly. He didn't want to wake his friends or anything. Hopefully, they were all asleep.

The man made his way to the kitchen, and picked out the sharpest knife he could find. He wanted to kill the cat quickly, he didn't want it to suffer any more than it already was.

He then left the house, and went back over to the twitching, mewling kitten.

"Don't worry little guy.. It'll all be over soon," The man said, going on his knees beside the cat. He held the knife up, and stabbed it right into the kittens head.

Ringo almost instantly stopped mewling and twitching. The cat had died.

The man swallowed hard, staring at the cats dead body. He was shaking a bit.
What he did was EXCITING. He hadn't felt this way before ever, and in a way, it sort of scared him. He shook his head, standing up and taking out the bloodied knife.

He had to hide the cat's body, his friends would find it, and then what would happen??

The man quickly picked the cat's body up, walking around the back of the house, and he began digging into the ground with his hands.
It took a long while, but soon he had dug enough to where he could hide the cat.

He set the cat in the hole in the ground, and put the dirt over it.

The man let out a sigh, wiping his forehead with his hoodie sleeve, and walked back into the house. He set the bloodied knife in the kitchen sink, and washed his hands to get the dirt off of them. He just hoped that was a one time thing, and he wouldn't get the feeling again.

He walked to his room, taking off his black shoes and not even bothering the take off his hoodie, and climbed into his bed, under the covers.


The next morning, Tord got up early to wash the dishes. When questioned, he just shrugged and said that he wanted to do something worthy. He had washed the blood off the knife, and cleaned everything else up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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