Today I Saw the Whole World (ch.1)

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(Cyrus' POV) 

Today is a new day. I'm more sure of who I am today, and I think I know where I want to be. 

I came out to Andi yesterday, and I finally realize that I'm not as helpless as everyone thinks I am. 

I like boys, and maybe that makes me weird. But Buffy said that like it's a good thing, and her confidence makes me want to believe it's a good thing, too. 

Being more sure of myself makes it more difficult to see myself in a relationship with Jonah. I know I like him, but I also know that he has his own path to take...even if it doesn't include being with me.  I don't want to be in constant wonder, always thinking about "what-if" and letting it keep me from finding the person who I belong with. Slowly, but surely, I know I'm ready to start letting go. 

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