Come Fly With Me (ch.3)

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(Cyrus' POV)

Sometimes I don't feel very good about myself. I have good days, I have less than great days. Today is one of those less-than days. Thankfully, I'm only a block away from the park--my safe place. I just need to clear my mind. Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end...

"Hey, chocolate chocolate chip muffin guy!"

Is that the guy that helped me get a muffin? He's talking to me outside of school...?

"Uh...hey, scary basketball guy!"

Why did I say that? He looks a little bit hurt by what I said...

"Actually, it's you come here a lot?

"Only when I'm feeling awful about, yes, fairly often."

Something in T.J's face appeared to twinge.

T.J sat down on the swing next to mine. Swinging higher than I ever would, he urged me to do the same. There was no way I was going to swing that high. I am, after all, petrified by heights. 

"There's no way I'm going to swing that high!"

"We'll see about that!"

In one smooth motion, T.J jumped off his swing mid-air and sauntered over to me. He started pushing me, higher and higher, as I screamed with excitement.

"Underdog!" T.J yelled as he swooped below my swing.

I felt my face flush with excitement and adrenaline.

"That was exhilarating!"

"Did you want more?"

", that's okay."

"Too bad," T.J said as he smirked and ran back over to me.

He continued to swing me for what must have been a long while--but it felt like only moments before he rushed off in an anxious hurry. 

Something about  the way his hands were pressed against my back as he was swinging me, strong and sure, just made my entire body feel numb. His face looked so scrunched up when I first saw him, almost as if he was going to cry. I hope I made him feel better, at the least. I wonder what's going through his head right now...

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