Spookmonth special: Day 25 -Eddsworld

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It's October, meaning that Halloween is near. Shops are already selling Halloween stuff- sweets, costumes, decorations yada yada. Yet, there's something at the back of your mind that you couldn't remember, what is it? As a lazy person that you are, you decided to leave it and head out to the kitchen for breakfast. You don't care about how messy your hair looks, it's fabulous anyway, or how clothes are all wrinkled up or some sort, you shrugged. " Good morning (Y/N)!" Edd greeted you as you sat down at the breakfast table. " Mornin'," you yawned as Tord placed a plate/bowl of (favourite breakfast) in front of you. " You looked tired (Y/N), did you not get enough sleep?" Matt asked in concern, you shook your head, " Sleep is for the weak," imitating a certain Irish Cinnamon roll's famous quote. Then there's an awkward silence, you five just ate in silence. Edd awkwardly coughed, changing the subject, " So...it's almost Halloween, what costume did you guys chose?" " Well I'm going to dress up as a vampire," Matt exclaimed, " Well I'm going to be a super hero!" Edd said cheerfully, " Lame," Tom clearly had no interest in dressing up for Halloween or what—so-ever, " You can go for Eyeless Jack," you suggested, gesturing his eye sockets thingy, he shrugged, taking a bite of his toast, " I'll go for a, ehhh...demon? I already have the horns anyway," the Norwegian shrugged, they looked at you, waiting for you answer. You chuckled,"I'm going for-" you paused, the realisation hits you harder than a god damn airplane, you still haven't get a costume! You banged your head on the table, silently weeped. " It's ok! We still have time until Halloween!" Edd tried to cheer you up, " Yeah (Y/N), after all, we can still give you ideas for your costume. You can dress up as one of the Hent-" Tom punched Tord in the stomach, giving him a death stare, he sighed, " Why don't we go to look for your costume?" " YAY! SHOPPING!" Matt cheered, you agree, throwing on a pair of pants and a hoodie after breakfast.
~Time skip is brought to you by a dancing skeleton!~
" Tom, I though you're a Jehovah's Witness, don't they not celebrate Halloween's?" Tom shrugged, " It's boring doing nothing anyway." The five of you visited many stores, you all bought some decorations and treats, but yet, your mission had failed. You sighed, but at least, you got something that made you feel a lot better- sweets. Just a lot of sweets. You also bought some little decorations for your room.
~Time skip~
You sighed, you couldn't find the perfect costume for Halloween. You were lost in your thoughts when the boys made you snapped back to reality. " We've been thinking, it's just a suggestion but maybe you can have a costume that is a pair with one of ours...?" You looked up at them, that's not a bad idea...! You smiled, " I'd like that."
~Time skip till Halloween night~
~Edd's choice~
It didn't take long to get the costume done, you just need a mask, a cape, a T-shirt and some gloves. You can prepare them with quite an ease, you dressed up as a side-kick of Power Edd, a superhero name for Edd's costume, which it's quite cute on your opinion. You adjusted your cape. You heard a knock on the door, you shouted a quick 'come in' and relieved 'Super Edd' standing in the doorway. Edd stepped in your room, " You look cute (Y/N)!"You smiled as Edd gave you a kiss on the cheek, " Are you ready for trick-or-treating partner?" You smiled, " Let's go."
~Matt's choice~
You thought about dressing up as a vampire, like Matt, or as a vampire slayer. You asked the boys for help, finally you decided to dress up as Buffy the vampire slayer, it's simple: just some red jeans, short boots, black sleeveless shirt and a black leather jacket. But for the final touch, Matt suggested to get a belt with some wooden daggers.
" You look perfect,like you!"Matt complimented you as you put on your costume. You blushed and pulled his arm, " Let's go Matt!" " Of course my lovely slayer."
~Tom's choice~
Neither of you are good at art, so you two asked Edd for help. " Hey Edd!" You greeted as you walked inside his room. " Hey (Y/N)! Is there anything you need?" " Well, yeah I uh needed a mask...a blue one." He looked at you curiously, " It's for Tom's costume," " Ooooh, sure! I'll give it to you after I finished it," you smiled and Edd returned the smile.
~Time skip~
After Edd giving you the mask, Tom on the other hand had his costume finished: a blue hoodie, and with the mask from Edd, it's finished. You decided to dress up as (female Creepypasta, cause I have no idea what your hair colour is). " Shall we?" You smiled, " Let's go."
~Tord's choice~
As he said, he dressed up as a demon: basically a Bendy look. " Whatcha think?" " Not bad," you shrugged, " 'not bad'? Not Gogol or event great?" You playfully rolled your eyes, soothing your dress. He smirked, " Common, can I get a good?" " Nope," you playfully denied. " I don't get why you want me to dress me up as...whatever character this is," " It's bendy, from a horror game," " I though you hated it," " I said I only hate the fan base, not the game," " Oh." You laughed, " And I'm Alice Angel," you finally adjusted your little accessories, he hugged you from behind, " You don't have to dress up as one, you're already one," he flirted, you shoved him playfully. " Shut up," you laughed, he gently lifted your hand and planted a kiss on top of your hand, " Will you be my date for the night, my lovely angel?" You smiled, " Of course my handsome demon."
~Your own choice~
With the help of the four boys, you finally got a costume of your dream, it's gorgeous. It's (details of your costume). You putted it on and rushed to the living room, the boys, in the costumes were waiting for you.
You had a great time, you five got a lot of treats, and had a movie night afterwards. Best Halloween ever.
————————————————————————it's SpookTober everyone! Woohoo! Shame we don't trick or treat around here, I mean HK is a boring place to live in. No trick or treating, it's a shame. Question for you all: what's your best Halloween experience you had? And what costume are you guys going for this year?
Stay fabulous darlings~

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