Perfect ( Team Fortress 2: Spy X Reader)

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" Bonjour mon amour."
" Hello to you too, Laurent."

The man in front of you held out his gloved hand, awaiting your response.
Accepting his offer, you placed your hand gently on top of his.
Lifting your hand up gently, he brushed his lips against your knuckles. Pink dusted across your cheeks from the sweet, and gentle gesture. Your lover took noticed of your bashfulness, and a soft chuckle slipped past his thin lips.
You quickly grabbed the picnic basket off the small table besides you, which Laurent offered to hold.
He once again he held out his arm, an eyebrow raised. You smiled, and placed your hand on his arm.
" Well," he said, " Shall we? For it is rude to keep a lady waiting."
Laurent, with the basket on one hand and you on the other, you two set off into the night.

The moon hang high in the sky, illuminating the dark, lonesome sky. The silver moonlight had lit up the forest, unraveling the path up ahead.
The forest was quiet. Hand-in-hand, the two of you walked in comfortable silence.

You looked at your boyfriend, and was struck in awe. Laurent is a beautiful man. His black hair slicked back, with white highlighting the look; his blue eyes sharp with intelligence, with danger hidden underneath; his high cheekbones and nose tall- he truly is a work of art.
With his flirtatious range of vocabulary and his gentle personality, he truly was irresistible to any women.
You had established the fact that he had been with many women, and it always teared into your heart whenever you thought about it. It was true that he might be a womanizer, however, through his sweat and gentle gestures whenever you two went on a date, you knew you were different from those women he had slept with. And you were sure of it.

Spy, too, was admiring your beauty as both of you walked along each other- your (h/c) hair swaying in the wind with such grace, your (e/c) eyes that would able to light up the entire night- he loved every part of you, for you were his light, his lady.
He was completely devastated when Scout's mother left him- he really thought she was the one, but she told him she was done. But even though he was completely heart broken, he knew best not to let his feeling gets in the way of his work.
He remembered when you two first met, for it was something so memorable, so unforgettable.

It was a ceasefire day, something that happens once in a blue moon. All the mercenaries had went on their way to enjoy this rare holiday: scout probably went to TueFort, seeing if he could pick up some ladies with his buckets of chicken; Engineer and Pyro were in Engineer's garage, and Spy? He did not know what was doing, nor what he will be doing.
" Ah spah, there's a café in Tuefort," engineer said, " Ah think you might like it there."
And he took the suggestion from his laborer friend, he went took a visit to the café.

After placing his orders, he took a seat. He was enjoying his time, his laborer friend was right after all.
" Excuse me sir, I was wondering if the seat is taken?" Spy looked up, and was met with a beautiful lady- his breath hitched. Everything started to slow down, like a cliché romance movie.
He shook his head, and gestured her that she could take the seat. She smiled brightly and took her seat.
He could not take his eyes off the lady sitting in front of her, for he is attracted to the stunning lady. His heart was pounding against his rib cage, butterflies occupying his stomach- something he had never felt for a long time. Maybe she was the one? He wondered.
They started to held small conversation, then started to get to know each other. He scold himself for falling in love once again, knowing that she will leave him one day; yet, he could not bring himself to reject his feeling.
He soon knew her name is (Y/N) (L/N) from (Country name), but she had stayed in America for a few years now.
An angel, he thought, an angel sent from heaven and sent to him.
He did not believe in any holy deity, but having to fight a powerful wizard every year in Halloween, or his colleague bringing back the other teammates the dead, what was there to not believe?
They soon parted, as the musk of dawn started to approach. She gave him a piece of paper, with numbers written on it.
" I had never met someone like you before," she said, standing up from her chair, " Call me sometimes? I would be honored to meet you again."
And he did. He made many calls, made many texts over time. Soon, you agreed to going on dates with him.
" It truly was a blessing," he would say to you, " Blessed to meet an angel like you."

" We are here, mon Chérie," he said, as he lead to an open area. You gasped, covering your mouth with you free hand in surprise.

The stars that were previously absent has shone their light, the sky was no longer dull and empty, for the stars had borrowed their light to adorn the sky, with the silver moon still hanging in the sky, the sky had became a beautiful blanket.
In the middle of the forest, laid a picnic blanket, with flower pedals and candle lit surround the blanket. It was very breathtaking.

" Come, allow us to enjoy ourselves in zhis beautiful place."
He set down the basket, and you two took a seat on the blanket. The two of you enjoyed the time spent together, cherishing each other.

After enjoying the food you had prepared for the date, he stood up, dusting off the particles on his pants and clothes. He lent out a hand, which you took without hesitation. He took out a small device and chose a soft melody to play.
He took your hand into his, and slowly slid his other hand down to your waist, holding your waist gently; while you placed the other on his shoulder. He brought you into a slow dance, gentle and sweet. It was like living in a romance movie.
You two swayed under the gentle silver moonlight, with the wind accompanying the dance, and the soft crunches of the leaves being the accompaniment to the soft melody playing in the background.
You rested your head on Laurent's shoulder and closed your eyes, enjoying the time you two get to spend with each other. You knew Laurent don't get holidays very often due to his job- he never told you much about his work, he only told you that he was a mercenary and that was it. He truly was, a man of mystery. Hence, whenever he would get a day off, he would make sure to set up the best and perfect date for you- just like this one.
He chuckled, and pulled you into an embrace, his hand that was previously holding yours was now resting on the back of your neck, while the one on your waist remained; yours hands wrapped themselves around Laurent's back.
" This is perfect," you whispered to your lover, he chuckled. " Non, 'ou are zhe perfect one, mon amour."
As the music stopped, you and Laurent sealed the night with a kiss.

" For I am blessed with an angel,  'ou truly are perfect."

Word count: 1271

A/N: Hey wassup. This is a long chapter, isn't it. Please forgive my poor attempt at Spy's accent, sorry. And for all of you who were wondering, " Hey! Why is she still writing about an old game?" I just fell in love with the game, for it is my favorite game so far! I might write about other mercs soon, the most possibly will be Scout. But! I also have another idea for Hetalia as well!
Stay tuned for the next update, which will probably be next week. I might update every week, of course, for the actual day will not be scheduled.

As always! Stay fabulous! ;)

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