Mall Mob

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This is Frantic, and although also old, actually one of my better old ones.

. . .

Someone's Pokegear started ringing as they tried to sneak through the trees towards a Nuzleaf standing alone and munching on a Berry. Alerted, the Grass- and Dark-Type glanced around in fear and quickly ran off into a patch of thick bushes. The person cursed aloud and yanked it out of their pocket. Once seeing who it was, she started grumbling about how often he just had to call her while she was busy. She then picked up the call.

"Sapphire, get over here."

"Why should I?"

"I'm taking you with me on a shopping trip."


"Why not?"

"'Cause malls are borin'. Also, you'll just make me try on clothes and stuff because they 'look pretty on me.'"

"I promise I won't, Sapphire."

There was a snort. "That's what ya said the last time, Ruby. And the time before that. And the time before that. And the -"

"Alright, alright, I get it! I'm being honest this time, I swear it. Now will you come?"


There was a moment of silence on the other line. "Sapphire, if you don't come voluntarily, I will be forced to take aggressive action."

"If ya mean 'battle me', then go ahead! I'll kick your sissy little butt, anyway."

A pause, then a sigh. "Fine, if that's how you want it." The line went dead.

"Ruby?" Sapphire shook her Pokegear roughly in confusion and looked back at the glowing white screen. It indicated that the caller had hung up. "Ruby, if yer tryin' to scare me, it's not gonna work. It'll take more than that to -" She was cut off by a whooshing sound behind her. She dodged to the left reflexively while turning to see the threat, having sensed something attacking from behind.

A Mightyena flew right past her face, a blur of black and grey. The Bite Pokemon landed on the ground with a slight skid, having temporarily lost her balance from missing Sapphire. Almost immediately, however, she spun around to face the trainer with teeth bared and in a battle crouch.

Sapphire did the same, pointed canines showing as she grinned from the sudden adrenaline in being attacked. "Nana, right?" she asked, smirking.

The Mightyena only responded by taking a few threatening pawsteps towards her.

"Weird," Sapphire continued, seemingly unfazed. "Bein' the sissy that he is, I would've thought he -" She suddenly flipped backwards and to the left again as she heard the first chuck of ice fall, narrowly dodging a sphere of light blue that exploded and burst into an icy white cloud once it made contact with the ground, directly in front of where she had just been standing.

Sapphire could feel the chilliness released from the attack even now, as she landed on the ground sideways. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see a mint-green blur shaped like a cumulonimbus cloud. In the center of the blur, she could just make out a purple, spherical head.

"I knew it," Sapphire announced proudly, even as chucks of ice fell out of the sky and smacked against her skin and clothes rather hard. "Can't be fair now, can ya, Ruby? Well, try takin' me on now!" She tossed a pokeball into the air with a battle cry, releasing her Blaziken.

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