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"Sleep tight my love..."

Y/n Pov

"mmhmmm..." I said as i tried to roll around, but something stopped me, or more blocked my moves. When i got myself rolled around, i find myself in a... mans arms. Panic hits me. Think that we... no. He did something to me while i was a sleep. And then, he moved. Taking a hand to his eye. "oh, good mor—" And i began screaming.

Wait a hand over my mouth, and a door smashed open, with guys with guns. More panic came. More screaming and tears rolling down on my cheek.
"WHAT! WHERE?!" A guy in a... funny enough cute pajamas.
"It's okay," yoongi said as his head fall down on my shoulder. "She got scared..." He said in a sad voice, and looked over to the guy. "Why did you even sleep in the same bed as her?!" he yelled "She's just a girl!" He came walking slowly over to us, dropping his gun just right at the door.
"Sorry hun... My names Jin. What this GUFF did, is not okay. I apologies" He said and sat near us. Then Jin sat down, a hand from behind came to my waist, then two. With a strong grip, i got turned around to face Yoongi. "This GUFF, was just making sure she wasn't cold." He said, taking a hand on my cheek and made small strokes, and made the tears that had rolled down on my cheek, go away. "Sorry..." He said placing his head in my neck.

In the meantime, all the others came. or i think. Like 6 guys in total.
"Somethings wrong?" And they had guns. "SHUHHHS!" Jin said and took their guns to the ground. "They are making a 'bond'" He said, making me laugh.

"I'm okay... Thanks." I said a wiped the last few tears away.
"Like i said before, this GUFF, should not be in the same bed as you. Just right after SOMEONE kidnaped you." he said and yell 'Someone' out loud.

"I said sorry..." Yoongi said, keeping his head i my shoulders. "DON'T late the Maknae SEE this!" Jin yelled and smacked a hand in his face, making me laugh again. "Glad to make you laugh" he said. "BUT! We will get going." And then they all 6 got out.

Just me and yoongi now. Really.. "Sorry..." He mumble in my neck. Like over a 100 times.
"It-it's okay... I.. i'm just not really use to it... Like... it's m-my first time being with a boy in a bed." I said, trying not to trip over my words. He just nodded as a 'yes, i understand..'

"Why did you scream?" He asked. Took my hand, and made me sit in the same position like before. My nose nearly touching his. "i... i thought you raped me..." I said shy, and look down with new tears on it's way. "Wha..." He started, then nodded. "I didn't, just to be clear. You looked cold so... yea... That's how we ended up in the position when you woke up..." He said, with his hand on his neck. "Than...thank you..." I said shy.

When we talk a little, not a lot, just a little, he got up.
"Go to bathroom and take a new shirt... we are going shopping." He said with a smile.
"Okay..." i said and mumble a Thanks.

When i came out, he was in the chair at the corner of the room. All ready. With a white
turtleneck-shirt and black ripped jeans. "Don't you need a shower?" I asked shy, with a low voice.
"I had one, i the next room. but thank you" He said with a smile.

That turtleneck-shirt... He had one on at the morning to, and yesterday. But why?
"Uhmm... I have a question... if i may ask..." I said, and he came over to me, while answering
"Shoot" With a smile. "I... I just wondered why you always have that turtleneck-shirt on..."
i asked, scared that he would be mad at some point.

His smile got small, and then it disappeared.

"You wanna see why?" He asked back, coming so close that my breast touched his. 


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