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If you wanna see the rest of that art just follow me in Instagram @_joosama


"Hello!" The 9 year old waved to the tensed 11 year old. "My name's kageyama (y/n)!" She greeted kindly. "I-I'm... Kozume... Kenma..." He shyly replied. "Sorry to bother you kozume-san! Mind if I sit with you?!" She asked kindly. The said male just nodded not looking back at her. "Oh! I see you play video games!" He stayed quiet, continuing on playing. "No wonder why you always come here!" The male stayed quiet giving her a sign to continue. "Every time I pass by here after school I always see you sitting by here alone!"

"Yeah. I always see you staring at me when you pass by..." He stated softly. "Really?! I never notice! I always see you focused on your game!" She looked back at him wide eyed making him flinch and almost loose on his game. "Anyways. Father said that those are unhealthy." She added. "I don't really care about my health..."

"Eh?! You should take care of your self so that you can play more games more properly." The two stayed quiet for a minuet until the ravennette spoke up. "I guess you do have a point..." Later then, (y/n)'s mother came calling her. She happily went back to her mother sending a goodbye to the male. Him doing the same.

"So. You were finally able to talk to that boy over there." Her mother teased. "Mother. I'm too young to learn those lovey dovey things. It's gross." She stated sticking out her tongue after her sentence. 'I wonder where you got that lovey dovey stuff though... I never thought you would learn that in your age...'


"So how was your time with that girl?" The bed head asked as he tossed the ball back to him. "What about it?" He asked spiking it back. "Well you looked all jolly when she sat beside you."
"I don't understand what your trying to mea-" He was soon cutted off when his ravenette friend accidentally hit him on the face. "Kenma!" He ran to him and bent down. He groaned in pain and rubbed his face then looks up at kuroo. Kuroo stays quiet. "Pfft-" He then burted out laughing and fell back on the floor from all the laughter. "Whats wrong?" Kenma was confused as he tilted his head slightly. "Y-your nose is bleeding!" He continued to laugh. The golden eyed male was still confused. The black haired asian stood up and lend a hand once he stopped laughing. "It's the girls fault why your lacking focus on our game." He sighs and gives his friend a sharp stare and grabs his hand and gets up. "I'm not distracted." He hisses as he dusted himself off. "Yeah.. Sure thing." Kuroo copied the ravenette and dusted himself as well.


Soon then every time when kenma would sit there, (y/n) would always be there. They would always talk and laugh. Her mother stoppes fetching early and let her stay in the play ground longer to hang out with her new friends. Sooner then the cat like child started warming up on her. He would show some emotions when she's around. He would even light up and smile a little once when she arrives. Sometimes he would even lend her his DS for her to play on. They had alot of fun. Ofcourse they can't ignore kuroo. Kuroo thought leaving them alone would be nice. Which ofcourse is. But kuroo got tired when he kept on waiting for hours. So he thought it would be better to just join them. Even though he really shipped the two. The two learned that she was fond of anime, manga, cartoons, and arts. Sometimes she would even show some of her art to them and she would get embarrassed while the two would get jealous. The two would even try teaching her how to play volleyball, but she was just really bad at it. She wasn't the sporty type anyways. The three were just really close.


"(Y/n)." The cat like male called. "Mmh?" The two were just peacefully sitting by the bench, kuroo wasn't able to come today since he went out the country with his family. "Do you have friends in your school?" (Y/n) just stayed quiet and even stopped her sketching while kenma continued to play his game. "I'm sorry, I was just asking." She looked up at him and smiled. "Uhh... From what I recall, I don't have that many friends actually." She answers and she looks back down and continues to draw. The ravenette just nodded and kept quiet.

The girl didn't think it was a tough subject. She thinks she's more lucky not having friends in or outside the school. She only befriended the two kittens because her mother suggested to befriend them when she noticed she kept starring. And she thinks having friends would only distract herself and her studies. Which was quite true, at the same time it wasn't. When she became close with the two she started to notice how fun it was to have friends. Ofcourse if you choose the right people. Her grades didnt decrease and only started to increase more. I guess having good friends like kuroo and kenma could help her get motivated.

After then she then tried to make friends in her school. She approached a group of girls which made the girls surprised. She didnt knew that they didnt like her.

"What are you coming to us and just saying 'hi'?"

"Is she approaching us?"

"Aren't you suppose to be in the library studying?"

"You should get back to whatever loners were doing and just leave us alone."

She was surprised by their words and kept quiet doing as what the girls told her to do. She was the anxious type. She was scared this would happen if she ever befriends other people. So she tried a second time, but failed like earlier. She just gave up. She then started thinking if that will happen when she sticks too close with her two friends. Will she get betrayed? She didn't even wanted to think about it and confronted them.


One day in (y/n)'s class she was just drawing to pass the time. She was very good at listening so she would usually draw while she listens to the teachers. But today wasn't any ordinary day. It was the day when she discovered boys love or yaoi. She became a complete fangirl over it immediately. She started to draw an image she remembered from a manga about the genre she read last night in class. The top 2 of the class was behind my seat so she could see my actions at times.

She envied me since I was the top of the entire grade level. She would stay up all night just to study for a normal quiz and, yet I still get higher than her. She earned large dark circles because of that. Now that she saw me drawing something so inappropriate. It was her time to shine. "Sensei! Kageyama is drawing two men kissing!"

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