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If you wanna see the rest of that art just follow me in Instagram @_joosama


She does her quick morning routine in her bathroom which she estimates only takes at least shorter than 10 minutes. She then leaves and goes straight to her room all wet wearing her towel only. But before that she knocker again on her brothers room calling him to wake up for the second time. She hears his second alarm clock ringing, meaning two loud alarms are trying to wake him up. She sighs and goes to her room.

She grabs her hanged uniform which was hanged on her door. She quickly changes and knocks on her brothers' door yet again. Also hearing his third alarm clock.

She sighs and goes downstairs, seeing her two parents all up and ready. The two already eating breakfast. And her special cat eating her breakfast as well. "Ohayou gozaimasu." She murmurs to her parents before sitting on her seat. "Where's tobio?" Her mother asked a little ticked off. "Upstairs still sleeping. I woke him up together with his three alarms this passed hour." She explains pointing to the stairs. She just sighs and pushes her seat back, storming to go up to his room. Mean while the father and daughter sighs and continues to eat their breakfast. "He's been excercising and practising all night so that he could enter the volleyball club in kitaichi." I explain taking a small bite on my egg. "I understand his situation. Since your mothers actions right now is what I always do to her when she's over doing herself weather its volleyball or sleeping." He explains taking a sip of his tea. She just stays quite and nods. "Ow ow ow ow!" A familiar voice whines as two figures came down the stairs. Their mother throwing him down to a chair beside (y/n)'s. "You better start waking up early, cause volleyball practice gets rougher every year!" She shouts and sits back to her seat and continues eating. He sniffs and starts to eat quietly.

It was my last year of grade school. I was quite excited since I can't stand not being in the same school as my brother. If he wasn't in school, I would be a total loner than I already am. Well at least the best part about being the oldest in school is that you get the most utter respect from all of the youngsters. You feel and are the most powerful when your almost ready to graduate.

I waited for a couple of minutes outside of my house for my brother, holding his and my bags. "We're heading out!" He shouts before he starts running, grabbing my bag without our notice. I'm not saying that we have matching bags, but we don't pay much attention as long as it's something we truly cherish. And we entered our seprate schools with each others' bags without notice.

Tobio went to his mroning practice while I went directly to my class looking for the best seat. I took the one by the windows. I have to cherish this moment since we'll have to get assigned seats when classes starts.

When classes starts, thats where I noticed the change of bags. I noticed how my notes wasn't there. I inhaled deeply and asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom stalls. They nod as I sprinted out of the room and to the comfort rooms. I pulled out my small flip phone and immediatley texted my brother to not touch anything except my pencil case and my scratch papers. He told me some ground rules as well, which was the same as mine and quickly went back to my class. I quickly cooled off and began my class miserably.

It was my first year here so nobody ever knew me which made me happy a little. I was scared to communicate with anyone so I quickly sprinted to the bathrooms when it was break time and would eat alone in my desk if it was lunch and reccess break.


I found my school year fun since I was still the top student and also nobody bothered to talk to me. I was super happy and proud about myself with that.

Graduation came and it all ended with proud parents and a jealous brother. When I stepped in the stage my adviser showered me with at least 20+ gold medals which made my neck sore. My mother was so proud of me she was kind enough to let all of us eat at a fancy and very expensive all you can eat resturant. It was fun since food was one of my ---and practically everyone's--- most favorite thing ever in this world. After a week we were able to watch my brothers game which got me and my parents proud. They didn't won, but at least they tried their best. But it would be better if they won. I'll be killing that annoying ushijima wakatoshi on his sleep once when I know what his contact details are, and wherever he lives. I will kidnap him and torture him under our basement for trying to make my brothers team loose.


Finally. Junior high. I've been waiting for this since I was so tired of being the oldest in our school. I stepped passed through the open gates of kitagawa daichi. I felt so happy since I was able to get to see my brother again more often. I walked with my brother to our way the the gym. He was going to help me apply as their manager in their team. I felt excited in the inside and nervous since it was going to be my first time managing a club or sports team. And when I join their team, I could get to have more time to spend with my brother. When I entered there were boys that were practicing that stopped to look at me. Which I quickly hid behind my brother.

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