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If you wanna see the rest of that art just follow me in Instagram @_joosama


"Is it okay you could cut my hair short?" I asked him. "Sure.."


"There's a new otome game that came out yesterday. I'm playing it right now. The guys are so hot and their really hot." I say as I continue playing with the said game. "They feel really real, but their still 2D."

"How about 3D boys? Got anyone in mind?" For some odd reason kenma was jealous since she always talks about her otome games. So he couldn't take it anymore and asked that question. "Actually let me think. Mhh..." Real men were never in her mind so it was hard for her. Except for one guy. "Actually yeah, his name starts with a letter K." She smirks at her answer. Teasing jenna was so cute. Kenma blushes just from the mention of his letters. "Why are you asking?"

"'Cuz I like you dude." The two blushes and she turns to kenma with slight confusion. Her hair that used to reach from her arse and now reached to her chin flow when she turns. "Sorry dude. Didn't hear you, what was that?"

"Thanks for the haircut by the way..."

"You know very well what I said (y/n)..." The two sweeped off her hair and cleaned her entire bathroom and went to her room to have a talk about this. "I'm sorry kenma, but the k I was talking about was kuroo..." She looks down in guilt. "Really?"

"Just kidding. I like you too." She says and the two blushes. "Why'd you gotta prank me like that (y/n)?" He says as he falls back on the snorlax chair he was sitting on.

So from now on the two became a couple. The two still didnt bother telling this to kuroo since we didnt wanted to hear the last of him. And if he did knew then he would spread it to their club which we didnt really wanted to deal with. Everytime he visits miyagi for volleyball he would sleep at my place. And when I visit tokyo for school and volleyball reasons I would sleep at his place. I remember I told this to my parents after a year of our relationship. To be specific it was breakfast time and it was my first day of being a 3rd year junior high student in kitagawa daichii.


"I'm not single anymore."




My father, mother, and older sister say all together in the dinning table. My mother was on the phone talking to my sister and for some odd reason she over heard. "Is that nee-chan on the phone?" Tobio just stayed quiet and continued to eat. He didn't care for he was surprised as well.

"Who is it?" My father asked in a serious tone. "It's kenma." I answer. He sighs in relief. "Good. I trust that guy very much." He thought to himself. "I'm so proud of you sweetie!" Mothers says with a wide smile. "I'm gonna woop his ass if ever he hurts you!" Nee-chan from the phone yells which everyone ignores. "Kenma you mean our opponent?" Nii-chan asked which I nodded as an answer.


When Kenma's parents found out they were more calm than my family. It was the day when I was in his home. It was summer so his parents found out way before my family did. Every summer I would go to tokyo to stay at his place for a week and same goes for him when he visits miyagi.

"(Y/n)." He calls when I was playing with my phone. I was wearing his shirt and his boxers. I don't bring clothes except for my underwear since he was kind enough to let me borrow his clothing when I visit him. But when kenma visits he brings clothes and leaves it in my home so that he wouldn't need to bring clothes the next he visits. Same goes for me. I leave my underwear there to tease him and to wear it the next when I visit his home.

I looked up to see his ravenette hair turn into golden locks. My eyes widen and my cheeks started to heat up. "Thoughts?" I didnt notice that my nose started to bleed when I saw him and he frowned slightly. "Is it that bad?" I shake my head and wipe off the blood. "No no! You look really hot!" I say with no shame that made him blush.

"Kenma." I called while playing with his newly dyed hair. He was laying on the bed, but was using my thighs as a pillow. I was sitting there playing with his hair while he got a great view of my top. "Ummm... I'm on my period..." His eyes widen and gets up and looks at me. "How can I help?" I blush and smile a little. "Is it alright if you asked your mother for some tampods? I'm too embarrassed to ask her..." I blush more and looked down. He blushes back and nods. "Alright. I'll ask if she has." He says and leaves the room and straight downstairs to where she was cooking dinner. "Mom?"

"Yes dea- oh! So you did dye your hair!" She says when she popped her head out of the kitchen door frame. "Do you have any tampods? (Y/n) needs them. She's on her period." He says awkwardly. "Tampods? Wow that's so sweet of you! You treat (y/n) like she's your girlfriend!"

"Actually yeah she is my girlfriend." He says a little embarrassed. Her mouth agape's and smiles. "Well you better not mess with her. Especially when she's on her period." She teases. "Mom..." He blushes more and the said lady just laughs. "It's in the closet in me and your father's room."


Night came and it was time for bed. (Y/n) was on her period so she was very tired for no reason. She was a type of person who always takes all the blankets so kenma had to buy another blanket for himself. She was also the type of person to have hundreds of pillows on her bed. Well... About 4 pillows, one body pillow of kenma, and 3 stuffed animals of a dick, pikachu, and Kermit. (Y/n) was all curled up into a burrito. Her back facing kenma's back. He was playing his Nintendo ds at that time. "(Y/n)?"


"You awake?"


"I umm uh..." Kenma sweat drops and blushes more. "Mh?"

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