A letter to someone

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Dear someone,

They say it's never too late to do something. But sometimes life brings us at a point when you do realize you were actually late.

Sometimes I wonder how many years did pass since we saw each other? Is it six or seven? See I'm still struggling with maths.

Many things has changed between this years. I got two cats, Hazel got her first boyfriend (don't worry not that Jeremy guy). Mom and dad are enjoying their retirements and guess what? I got my dream job!

Often I wondered how will it feel when I'll get my dream job? Finally, when I got my job, I don't know how I felt. Everyone was happy for me . Even the persons who I barely knew, were sending me flowers, congratulations cards and so on. For a moment I convinced myself I was happy but the next moment I realised I wasn't.

I felt empty.
I felt someone was missing.
I missed a warm hug,some lame jokes.

And I missed you.

Everyone used to call me a perfect girl. A perfect girl who had the perfect grades, a perfect family and a perfect best friend. But was I the one perfect girl?However,if I had gotten closer to you, you would seen my flaws. My insecurities.

Perfect girls don't get jealous seeing her best friend's girlfriends.

But I was jealous. Yes,I was jealous but did you ever find out that? I can bet you didn't. I was really good at hiding my feelings and trust me nothing has changed. I am still the same.

It was really hard to act cool and nice. Nevertheless I did cause I had a perfect image to maintain. The so called perfect girl image who only cared for her grades and her perfect best friend.

I wish instead of staring at you I had told you, you were the kind of guy I liked. I wish I had told you how much I was attracted to your black eyes, your deep dimples and everything about you.

I wish I had told you how much I loved you, how much you meant to me.

One day pushing my perfect image aside finally I decided to confess but I was so indulged in my life that I never noticed how much I had pushed you. Here I was waiting for you with white lillies and there you were holding a bouquet of red roses but not for me.

There you were proposing your dream girl in front of the whole school in the most romantic way a girl can even imagine and here I was cursing my heart for being so weak.

For any other girl it would have been a scene to watch but I wasn't any other girl. I was the girl who admired you still do. The scene was heart breaking for me. I cried as much as I could do.

That day I realised I lost you. The most precious thing. My best friend and someone I cherished with all my heart.

I just wish I wasn't late.

Yours truly,
A girl who admires you.....

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