Chapter 2

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Part 2 the bakery down the street

Harrys pov

I watched her as she walked out the door.

"'re drooling." says the old man next in line.

I feel my face heating up. Well this is awkward. I'm so prone to awkwardness I'm actually surprised of how unawkwardly our conversation flowed. I could've talked to her for hours. Or just stared at her eyes. I loved the way her brown eyes were shaped and how her long eyelashes batted the way they did.

"son?.."says the old man snapping his fingers.

"oh sorry! What pastries can I get you."

Dylans pov.

Why the hell was Harry drooling over her? I mean is he really that desperate? Don't get me wrong she isn't like ugly I mean afterall I dated her...but really? Of all the cute girls to flirt with he chooses my ex... All I'm saying is she better not be coming around more often. She was acting like such a whore. Flirting back with him. I mean I would expect her to lay low for a while after just going through a break up. I mean she should at least have a difficult time trying to get over me than start giggling at anything a random ass baker boy says. I mean it's a fucking baker boy!


"yeh?" I say looking up to none other than mr.flirtingwithmyex

"erm..are you okay? Your been giving me the death stare for the past three hours."he says with a chuckle.

"no it's just my ex just came through here..."

"YOU LIKE OLDER WOMEN TOO?!?" he asks wide eyed with excitement.


Then I realize for the past few hours the only people coming through here have been old women. Like grandmas. I start laughing.

"nooo!! Unlike you I don't go flirting around with grandmas."I say with a chuckle.

He looks to the ground with embarrassment "hey! They come on to me!"


"well I'm gonna go on my lunch break so I guess you can work the counter." he says while taking off his apron.

"okay." I say heading for the counter. *siiiggghhh this is gonna be a loonngg day.

Sarahs pov.

"Hi!welcome to H&M!" I exclaim with my most dazzling fake smile. Yup I work at H&M. Living the life huh? It's not thy bad though. Working in the mall has it's perks. Like free Nandos when one of the workers won't stop asking you on lunch dates. I mean I only go for the free food, but I guess thats a little harsh. Ya know leading him on and stuff. Anyhow I also get discounts on a bunch of the clothes here. So I guess you could say I'm pretty up to date on shopping.

"have a good day!"I say flashing a smile to the customers exiting the store while I fold some clothes on the stands.

I look at the time. Damn it's 1:00 all ready. I better go for my lunch break. I go behind the counter and clock out. TIME FOR SOME NANDOSSSSS!

As I make my way down to the food court I take mental notes on which stores to hit up on my weekly shopping spree.

I'm just so glad im done with school I should be starting college next semester when school opens and idk what to expect. Ugh. Who knew getting an education could be so complex.


I look down at the I.d unknown number

"hello?" I answer

"Sup niggguhhh!!!"

Da fuqqq...

"Lyla?..."i ask almost sure it was one of my American friends from back home.


"OMG HEY! please never answer the phone like that again."I beg.

She responds by giggling on the other end of the phone. Why is she so hyper?

"so where are you?"she asks.

"Holmes chapel."

"no shit. I mean like where in Holmes Chapel."

"you know how I work at the mall?"


"yeh well I'm on my lunch break."

"oh...and Sarah?"


"you're starting to get a British accent!" she says then bursts in to laughter.

"am not!"

"please stop talking you're making my stomach hurt from laughter!!"she begs.

"well get used to it!! It's not my fault! I've been surrounded by non-American accents for too long so stop judging."I pout.

All I hear is laughter on the other end of The phone. I couldn't help but laugh along with her. She is seriously never gonna stop bugging me about this.

"so this is why you called me huh? To make fun of an accent that I dont have?"I say.

"no,no I was calling because I have news for you. The accent thing was just a plus."

"fuck you. And whats the news."

" you know how I always wanted to study in a foreign country."

"mmhmmm..." I say unsure of where this is going.

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