Chapter 3

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Part 3 the bakery down the street 

Harrys pov

As I walk out of the bakery I realize I have no idea where I should go for lunch. Maybe I should go to the mall I kindve need to restock on my clothing and it's about a ten minute walk away. 

As I make my way down the street I find myself thinking about the girl with the eyelashes. LOL well everyone has eyelashes. Hers are just super long. I wonder if she's at the mall. 

I didn't even notice I had been walking for ten minutes until I reached the mall. I head for the food court and as im walking I hear a familiar voice say "holy-omgg yea I'll pick you up from the airport! ....OMGG! I can't believe your actually coming!...yeah...okay bye...ahhaha see you soon.!"

I turn around to see the girl with the eyelashes. She looks up and sees me too. 

"are you that eager to see me that you end a phone call just to talk to me?"I smirk as she made her way towards me obviously recognizing me. 

"OHH no no no, honey you've got it all wrong. I just like to confront my stalkers face to face to let them know that I know theyre following me." she responds 

"and who exactly is stalking you?"I ask. 

"you obviously!"she says

"me?!?"I say taken aback by her accusation. 

"well you did follow me to work."she smirks. 

"so you work here?"


I nodd my head. 

"why that's not good enough for you?"she asks. 

"oh! So you were Trying to impress me by telling me you work at H&M?"I smirk. 

"yea totally..." she rolls her eyes. 

"knew it! Girls tend to do that around me."I say only to see her raise an eyebrow at me clearly unimpressed by the amount of cockiness being displayed for her. 

"so are we gonna eat some lunch or just awkwardly stand around the food court?"I continue. 

"we?"She asks almost in shock. 

"yea. We. Where do you wanna eat from?"

"depends on who is buying."she says. 

"I am." I say fishing my wallet out of my pocket. 

"well knowing you're a baker boy I'll go easy on you. How about Nandos?" she says. Flashing a small smile. 

"fine by me. But just because I'm a baker boy doesn't mean I'm poor." i say. 

"I never said you were poor!" she says as if shocked by my accusation. 

"you implied it." I smirk. 

"are we gonna order orrr"

"or what?"

"idk you tell me..."she says looking slightly annoyed. 

"I guess we'll order." I say not wanting to piss her off on our first....I guess it's a date. 

After we order, pay and take our seats she says,"this is not a date by the way."

"I never said it was..."I reply. 

"I know but I just wanted to make sure you knew."

"well what would I have to do to make it a date?" I ask. I honestly was curious. I seriously want to get to know this girl.

"why? were you planning on making it a date?"she smirks. 

"depends on what I have to do."

"well it depends on if you want it to be my dream first date or a standard first date."

"hmm...dream first date."I say wanting to see how wild this girls imagination was. 

"well for my dream first date you'd buy me expensive stuff from the mall, then I'd straighten you're hair, then we'd go to the beach and ride a unicorn off in to the sunset."she says pleased with her answer. "I know it's not all out amazing I mean I try to keep it realistic. 

"and for a standard first date?"

"ermmm....we'd go window shopping, eat lunch and go watch a movie."

"that sounds do-able"

"yea but I would never be able to remember it because thats my standard first date with every guy...but if you want to give me something to remember...."her voice trails off. 

"how about we call this a 'friendly' lunch and I'll take you out on a real first date."I decide.  

After a small moment if hesitation she agrees. She gives me her number and we walk around the mall. We walk in to Jack Wills and she hands me a purple hoodie. I gotta say I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. But my heart dropped once I saw the price.

"there is no way I'm spending that much on a hoodie." I say eventually after contemplating whether or not I should. She nodded her head and turns back to wherever while I kept looking. I Bought a few shirts. And as soon as I step outside of the store I see her with a jack wills bag. 

"I see youve bought some stuff."

"I see that you have too." she responds.

"yknow I never really caught your name." I say. 

"I didn't exactly throw it..."she says. 

"wanna play catch?"I wink. 

She sticks her hand out "Sarah."

"Harry." I say mimicking her and shaking her hand. 

"so tell me more about yourself, Sarah." I say trying to strike up conversation. But she immediately knocks me down and says "actually, I better get going my lunch break finished five minutes ago." she quickly speeds up. I walk with her all the way down to H&M. 

"so I guess I'll text you later." I say. 

"yea! Okay."She says turning away from me. 

"what?no goodbye hug?"

"how about we save that for the first date."

"i believe in kissing on the first date! And you won't even give me a friendly hug on our totally non date."

"well then I guess you're gonna have to change and slow yourself down." she smirks. 

I sigh on the inside realizing she is gonna be some piece of work, But I'm so up for it. 

I walk back to the bakery realizing im 15 minutes late.

"And where exactly have you been?"asks Dylan.

"shit."i mutter under my breath.


"Oh, y'know out on my lunch break."

"You mean shopping."he says pointing at my Jack Wills bag.

"Well who cares what i do on my lunch break." seriously why does he care so much all of a sudden.

"You were with that girl werent you?"he accuses.

"Which girl?'i ask.

"Oh you know which one." he says pointing his finger at me as if ive done something i shouldnt have.

"Look Dylan you're not my Mom. I can hang out with any girl i want. So leave me alone, yeah?'

That shut him up. Ive had enough of him for one day anyways. The rest of the day was filled with silence...which made the whole situation even more awkward then it already was.

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