Sorry for not being active on wattpad😯

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Hey guys. So I'm going to explan why I haven't been on wattpad for one month. So my niece was born on the 27th of September so I had to go see her. So after that visit we went home. I went to sleep around d 1 o' clock. In September I started my youtube channel called grey stripe. I post some speed paints and updates and that stuff. So I was focused on that for awhile. Then I had homework and that stuff everyday. So I didn't have time on weekdays. So I was thinking when should I go back to wattpad. And that's when I got sick. I'm still a little sick. So I asked my dad for noodles. But before I got sick I had no Internet so I couldn't be on youtube, I couldn't be on wattpad, I couldn't do anything but play the games in my Google play account. All I had was solitaire, ( which I don't know how to play..) cricket ( which I don't know how to play..) and pac man. And I was going a little insane. I depended on my favorite game called animal jam play wild. All you have to do is make an account so you can have friends and do free chat. Tell me your username on animal jam play wild so I can visit you there. As I was saying I dint have internet. Then I got sick and I felt horrible the first day. My throat hurts some but not much. I'll continue later... I have a headache.

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