The Black Wolf (part 1)

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I am posting this story on behalf of my friend, Maria. I don't have a shadow of a doubt that the story she tells is true.

I remember hearing a tapping on my window; three rapid taps to be exact. My light was turned out and it was dark in my room so I used my phone light to find my way to my window. I looked outside and only saw darkness. Nothing was there. I went back to bed and crawled under my covers. TAP TAP TAP.

There it was again, only louder this time. I pulled the covers over my head and shut my eyes tight, willing the insistent noise to go away. For a moment there was only the sound of my breathing. As I began to fall asleep I heard it again. TAP TAP TAP! My eyes shot open and my heart rate quickened its pace. The rapping on my window pane was much louder this time and by then I knew I wasn't imagining things. I ignored the tapping but I was sure whoever or whatever was tapping on my window could hear my heart beating out of my chest.

I plugged in my headphones, played some music and shut my eyes tight. Eventually, sleep overtook me. BANG BANG BANG! I awoke with a start at the sound of aggressive banging at my window loud enough to shake the glass in its frame. I looked at my alarm clock. It read 3:26 AM. I started to sweat and my heartbeat grew louder and louder. I was sure my heart was going to beat straight out of my chest.

I got out of bed shakily and wrapped my blanket around my shoulders. I left my room and walked down the hall to the living room. I laid down on the couch and got comfortable under the blanket. Right as I laid down I heard it. The howl was low and deep. It lasted for about thirty seconds then stopped but I could've sworn I was still hearing it, echoing in my mind. I sat up and peeked through the window behind my couch. I quickly covered my mouth to hold in my scream.

There, standing in my backyard, was just about the biggest wolf I have ever seen. Its fur was pitch black and dense, appearing almost like a silk wrapped shadow. The eyes of the wolf seemed to stare into my soul, gazing into the furthest reaches of my mind. The wolf's irises were golden in color and glowed in the moonlight. I didn't dare break eye contact for fear of it jumping through my window and mauling me where I sat. The more I stared into the wolf's eyes, the more I became entranced in its gaze. I could feel the wolf clawing at my mind, digging away at the surface of my skull. It seemed as though the black wolf was trying to break through my skull to feast on my sanity.

The moon was suddenly covered by the clouds, darkening my backyard. Just like that, the black wolf was gone... When the clouds left their place over the moon there wasn't a trace of the wolf. It was as if it had just disappeared, fading away with the darkness. I can't remember when I fell asleep after that but I do know nothing else happened until the next morning. I asked my mom if she heard the howling to which she replied "No sweetie, I didn't hear anything last night, I slept like a baby".

The day went along normally. I went to school as I would on any weekday and it was uneventful to say the least. It was later that night while I was in bed that I heard the howling outside my window. It seemed to go on for hours before I finally fell asleep. The next day was the same; uneventful. The only strange occurrence was a sketch of a black wolf on the next blank page of my biology journal. I knew it couldn't have been any of my friends and considering my parents' lack of artistic skill it couldn't have been them either. I know I didn't draw the wolf so how did it get there?

My classes that day went by slowly. It was during lunch that things started getting a little strange. I was sitting in the courtyard with a few friends. I was telling them about the strange things that were going on when I took my lunch out of my bag. I unwrapped the sandwich from it's packaging and took a bite. It tasted God awful and I instantly felt a squirming sensation in my mouth.

I looked down at my sandwich and I became horrified at the sight. Between the two slices of bread wasn't lunch meat like I thought. Raw meat with a rancid smell that told me it was obviously rotten filled my nose. That wasn't all. In my rotten raw meat sandwich were squirming, fat maggots. I got up and ran to the trash can, throwing up the contents of my stomach and spitting out the rotten meat and maggots. I could still feel the repulsive, slimy residue coating the entire inside of my mouth. I could still taste the mixed recipe of vomit, rancid rotten flesh, and greasy repulsive maggots on my tongue.

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