The Black Wolf (part two)

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I backed up a few steps, my heart pounding out of my chest. Suddenly the door burst open. They kicked the door open... 'Oh my God I'm going to die...' I thought to myself. I couldn't make a sound. I fell back on my ass and stared wide eyed at the figure that stood looming in the doorway. They... It was like a living shadow. It stood still for a moment then, quick as lightning it lunged forward, slamming the door shut behind it. I tried to scream but no sound came out. It grabbed me by my hair and started to drag me Down the hall to the basement door. I kicked and fought but it didn't seem to affect anything.

It opened the door and dragged me down to the basement. I felt myself being held down and I felt pressure around my wrists and ankles. I tried to scream but a rag forced itself into my mouth, secured by duct tape. I thrashed and struggled in my bindings to no prevail. The basement light flickered to life at the click of the switch and my eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light. My attacker stepped forward into the light and I screamed, only to be muffled by the gag in my mouth. It wasn't a monster at all. It was a man, or at least I thought it was a man... He looked to be in his late teens or early twenties. He wore a black leather mask in the shape of a wolf's face, snarling and angry. I could see the man's eyes behind the mask. The skin around his eyes was painted black. His scleras were pitch black and his irises a glowing golden color. Just like those of the wolf I saw... He was dressed in complete black, decked out with heavy military combat boots, a tight fitting black hoodie, and black jeans. He unzipped his hoodie and tossed it to the ground.

I could see his scarred, exposed skin. His muscles rippled as he stretched. "Little pig... Tell me, are you scared of me? The big bad Wolf?" His voice was deep and had a slight rumble to it like a wolf's growl. I was crying again by then and shaking uncontrollably. I whimpered behind the gag. "Ha ha! You should be..." he laughed sadistically and stepped closer to me. "You don't remember me do you?" He asked, stepping even closer until his tall figure loomed over me. He looked to at least be six foot. I shook my head no. "Tsk. Figures a pig like you wouldn't remember. Like a sheep in the flock... This isn't personal or anything of the sort. You simply endangered my research. So I'm endangering your life." My eyes widened and I pulled at the ropes. They only tightened more around my wrists and ankles. "You're a disgusting little pig. You need to learn your lesson." I whimpered at the menacing tone in his voice.

The man in the black wolf mask lunged forward and grabbed my wrist that was tied to the chair. I tried to call for help to no prevail. "'This little piggy went to the woods..." he grabbed my pointer finger and snapped it. I saw a flash of white and pain shot up my arm. He gripped my middle finger "This little piggy stayed home..." I heard my finger break as he snapped the bone. My screams and pleas sounded like a wailing, injured animal, blocked by the gag. He moved on to the next finger. "This little piggy had rotten meat..." POP! Then my pinky finger was next. "This little piggy had none..." SNAP! He moved to my thumb. I shook my head rapidly, desperately trying to beg for him to stop. He removed the duct tape and rag from my mouth. I gasped for air and before I could say anything he chimed in with a sweet, sadistic tone to his deep voice. "And this little piggy cried wee, wee, wee!" CRACK! I screamed and the sound echoed through the basement.

In a flash, he shoved the gag back in my mouth and sealed my lips with the duct tape. "Ah, what a wondrous sound!" He took in a deep breath through his nose and straightened up, tilting his head back to the ceiling as if my scream was a drug flowing through his veins like liquid fire. I saw a portion of his face just beneath the mask. His smile widened, revealing sharp, pointed canines. I noticed then that his hair was shaved on one side and black in color. His ears were pointed like that of a wolf's. "To this day I still have vivid memories of this self-centered son of a bitch showing the entire class my research journal, even reading some of it out loud as well, word for fucking word. I looked like a fool, it was only the second day of freshman year, everybody thought I was a freak... She thinks I would forget about that? She ruined all three years of my fucking high school experience. Oh but of course that little snickering pig would've forgotten, she had it easy, so fucking easy... The bitch is lucky I dropped out. If I hadn't, she would've never heard the end of it the minute the bell rings on the last day of senior year.. Not like it matters now, her bones will be broken soon enough anyways..." The masked madman was deep in thought...

I was hyperventilating, nearly struggling to breathe as I felt the duct tape on my lips tighten each time I inhaled. 'He has to get caught...He will...HE. HAS. TO. GET. CAUGHT.' I continuously tried to convince myself that everything would be okay. My thoughts were running faster than wolves chasing after their next meal. My eyes began to pace around the room, I didn't know where to look anymore. 'He's going to get caught, right? No way he can get away with this...Ah- err- fingerprints! He'd leave fingerprints behind!' I suddenly gained a bit of hope, until I glanced over at the man.. 'GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!' I noticed he was wearing black military gloves...

He walked towards me slowly, I could hear the footsteps of his combat boots getting closer. I squinted my eyes, eventually shutting them completely to avoid taking one more look at that mask, that damn mask. "Frightened so soon, little pig? The fun is just beginning." I whined quietly but my cries were muffled by the tape. There was no use in yelling any longer, no one heard me... At this point, they never will... He stepped forward and stood right in front of me... I tried to squirm... I couldn't take it... Just fucking looking at him...

He pushed the chair down and I fell to the concrete floor. My knees burned like hell. I felt warm tears run down my face as I immediately heard a thump and my chair was suddenly pushed back to its original position. "Oh, little pig... YOU LITTLE FUCKING PIG!" He yelled, grabbing something from his back pocket. I felt my heartbeat racing... My chest felt heavy... My cheeks felt so hot, I could swear it felt like hot irons being pressed on my face. I could feel the fear, physically and mentally. He pulled out a lighter. This was it... My final moments... He sparked the lighter and the light of the flame reflected on his dark leather mask. He brought it closer to me as I began to close my eyes tightly again. I felt a sharp pain on my forearm and I whimpered in agony.

I suddenly felt the ropes around my left ankle tear. I kicked out and the tip of my foot hit his chin. He let out a loud sigh, unfazed as I heard him spark the lighter again. 'Fuck.' I thought to myself. "Did you think; YOU, YOURSELF Would get away from ME? The Black Wolf?" He laughed, louder than anytime he'd laughed before. I felt heavy heat touch the tip of my toes as I attempted to squirm, failing miserably. Tears ran down my face quickly. My eyes opened slowly. I saw him stand up and grab something off the nearest shelf. He was pacing around.

"My my....Is little piggy scared? Boohoo! Too bad you can't squeal for help." He began to chuckle. "Little pig, little pig... Let's begin." I noticed that he'd gotten a switch blade from the shelf. I didn't want to die like this. I never thought I would die like this. I began remembering all those childhood memories of mine, until it came to me... I know who this person is... Or rather who they were. I remember him. I remember what I did freshman year of High School. The rush of guilt was heavier than the weight of anxiety I got every time I looked at this guy's mask. The guy who'd been abused by his mom his whole life or something... 'What was his name... West?'

I was so... lost in thought. I finally snapped out of it by the painful feeling. I was being cut in the arm, it felt like the knife just cut through every bit of flesh like butter which then lead to the inevitable bleeding. I've never seen so much blood before. I passed out cold... I was awoken by a door slamming. I was untied from the chair. I was no longer restrained. I ran over to my cell phone and called my parents. When they came, they called the cops. They didn't believe me. This couldn't be happening. They thought, they actually thought I did all that to my damn self. 'No. No no no no no. He can't get away with this, how did he cover his tracks so well? What even?' I felt like I was going to snap. I went through so much fucking bullshit, just to be told it was SELF INJURY. I snapped. "YOU FUCKING MORONS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME IF YOU THINK I'D DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO MYSELF!"

The cops held me down and walked me to the car. "Don't worry ma'am, we are going to put you somewhere where you can get better okay?" I kicked. I squirmed. I couldn't fucking handle this anymore. Before I knew it, I was sitting in the back seat of a cop car, on my way to some awful place for crazy people. I tried to look outside the window. It was too foggy to see anything  until I blinked and saw the car window. It had words drawn onto it with a finger. The crystal clear lettering surrounded the foggy glass. It read,

'The girl that cried "Wolf"'

I attached several pictures from google that appears to be this guy called The Black Wolf based off of Maria's description.

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