↝ three

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On the rare days the boys have the day off, Jungkook likes to check in with all of his hyungs. It's not that he doesn't get to check in on them everyday as it is, but when they're all free is when Jungkook can have the special one on one time which they all crave.

So Jungkook starts his day off by hanging around with Seokjin. And by that, he means argue over which toothpaste was the better whitener for twenty minutes in the bathroom. Alone time with Seokjin usually always meant arguing over something stupid, something which they'd laugh over later. But in the heat of the moment, Jungkook let slip that whitening toothpaste was just a lie, and that the only benefits were for the company and how high their profits went.

"Who's been teaching you these lies?" Seokjin cries out once he hears the younger's views on whitening toothpaste. "This shit literally saves my life!"

Jungkook rolls his eyes, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't expect Seokjin to overreact.

"Whitening strips work better," the maknae retaliates, shrugging his shoulders and putting his toothbrush back into the holder. Some would say it was confusing to sometimes remember which one was yours, but they all had seven different colours. Red was Jungkook's, orange was Namjoon's, yellow was Hoseok's, green was Jimin's, blue was Seokjin's and purple was Taehyung's. "That's just a fact."

Seokjin scowls, and Jungkook doesn't even need to be looking at him to know that. Seokjin was just always kind of easily offended like that.

"Don't even talk to me for the rest of the day," the elder scoffs, and it takes everything in Jungkook not to scoff back. Seokjin was a big softie and everyone knew that. He'd be begging for Jungkook's cuddles but the end of lunch, and the maknae would bet cold hard cash on that fact.

However, when that whole ordeal is dealt with, Jungkook exits the bathroom and heads to Namjoon's room, where he's still sleeping. He thought about it before twisting the knob to the door, thought about if it was worth waking the leader up when he finally got to sleep in. However, he knows that Namjoon would prefer eating breakfast with the rest of them over getting a few more minutes of shut eye. Namjoon was considerate like that, and it always toyed wth the members' affection towards him.

Anyways, once Jungkook is inside Namjoon's room, he leaves the door slightly ajar before making his way to the bed.

"Hyung," he calls, patting a rhythm on the leader's back. "Hyung, wake up~" He sings.

The thing that Jungkook likes about his Namjoon hyung, is that he's always soft, sweet and kind. Namjoon never really snaps at anyone, no matter what. It's cool, in Jungkook's opinion. Because Namjoon is the leader and Namjoon has authority over everyone. He could scold or snap or yell and he'd have the power to do so, so Jungkook thinks it's cool how he never abuses that power.

Namjoon sleeps like a log, and like anyone else in their dorm, he hates being waken up from a nap or from sleep. But that doesn't stop the members from waking him up.

So when Namjoon simply grunts and turns around in his bed, until he was face to face with Jungkook, who was laying down beside the leader, Jungkook simply smiles, knowing that he wasn't in any kind of trouble.

"Good morning!" He greets, smiling wider when Namjoon looks slightly annoyed. It's not like Jungkook's pride and joy was irritating the leader to the ends of the earth, but sometimes it was fun to push his buttons.

"Leave," Namjoon groans, but with no malice in the words. Obviously.

Jungkook decides to comply, there's only so much he could do before he genuinely starts to do too much.

After exiting Namjoon's room, Jungkook sets himself on a quest to go find Hoseok. He's sixty percent sure that Hoseok was at home, but he could also be at the dance studio. It wasn't uncommon to find out that Hoseok has left the house at the ass crack of dawn to either go over choreography, create new choreography or just dance his problems and stress away.

Anpanmanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें