When you feel like you can't live anymore

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"He'll be back, Jen. Until then, you have me. Please don't be upset."

"Thankyou, Barrin. Harry won't be back any time soon. More tea please. "

"Of course. Don't forget it's almost 8, darling. "

"I don't wish to go back, Barrin."

"You cannot stay in my world long. You know it's not safe for a human like you. They'll tear you apart in a second."

"Just a walk?"

Jen loved Barrin's world. It was so different. Always happy, nothing made sense and nothing were expected. Always unpredictable.

"A visit to Ms. Jewels is quite due anyway, don't you think Barrin?"

"Of course, I'll call her right now and give her a heads up. "

An owl appeared on the window sill.

"Tell Ms. Jewels Jen and I are our way and starving. Please ask her to whip up some of her mushroom soup. Be on your way now, and hurry."

The owl quickly returned back with a message from Ms. Jewels.

"Of course Barrin, I will start the soup right away".

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