Akademi News Disaster

21 3 0

Y/N = Your Name


You were recently hired to be behind the camera at world-famous Akademi News. It's one of your first jobs, and needless to say, you're ecstatic. You'll be working with four girls by the names of Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori. You met them; they all seem pretty nice. Natsuki's got a bit of a temper, but that's fine. You had experience with people like her. So before you know it, you're shouting "LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!"

Natsuki is up first. She'll be announcing the sports news from last night. She walks onto the set, wearing a pink v-neck, slightly ripped jeans, and a firm, serious expression. You can tell just by her stride, with her head up high, that she's strong and independent.

Her pink hair bounces on her shoulders as she walks, her arms crossed.

She gets to the table and sits down, the old seat groaning, her face blank. Then, she looks around the set, behind her, above her, in front of her, as if she were searching for something. She appeared curious in a way. But curiousness wasn't the best thing to give in to when people the camera was rolling. You waved your hand at her to get started.

"So," she starts with a a sigh, "last night's game was pretty intense, if I say so myself." Natsuki leans back into her office chair and spins around a few times.

"It's pretty hot up here where I am, so it seems like the heat got to the Dodos last night, don'tcha think? They really gotta step up their game. They lost, ten to two. Ten to two! Can you even believe it?!"

"Oh, and the Tomcats took home the victory last night. Seriously? Those baka takos! They don't even know how to play football." She rolls her eyes.

Geez. She's a handful. And baka what?

"Natsuki!" you whisper from behind the camera. "Don't get too opinionated! Stick to the f a c t s !" "Well, it's true!" the pink-haired girl fires back. "I'm statin' the facts, Y/N." She wears a small grin.

Natsuki kicks her feet up on the table, and you facepalm. Everyone in town's going to see this (or is seeing it). The camera is rolling.

"The Tomcats aren't even that good either!" She slams a fist on the round wooden table, the hard, empty noise resounding off of the walls back to you. "Bet I could play football better than them."

"Natsuki. You're done," you say, about to turn the camera off. Before the girl can protest, click! You're done recording.

"What was that about?" you ask Natsuki, who looks up at you.  "W-Well, it's not like I regret it or anything!" she says, walking off the set, her head held up high once more. She looked embarrassed that she even had to speak to you.

After Natsuki, Yuri's up. She's going to be talking about the traffic and road news in the area.

The screen is set up behind her, and she timidly starts to walk on set, donning a baggy purple dress. Her movement is so graceful and delicate, like a butterfly's soft wing or a child's china doll. "You've got this, Yuri!" you say.

She gives you a thumbs-up and a small fake smile.

You knew Yuri wasn't really that good with public speaking, and you tried to encourage her as much as you could before the official broadcast. One could tell she was nervous, but Yuri played it off quite well.

Yuri stands right next to the screen and tucks a few purple strands of hair behind her ear. She fidgets with her dress. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun, loose strands falling angelically over her shoulders.

"LIGHTS!" you shout. "CAMERA!" "Y/N . . . ." Yuri stutters, her eyes widening. "I just-" ACTION!"

Yuri immediately tenses up, evident heat rising up to her cheeks. She begins to stare off somewhere in your direction. You begin to feel a bit awkward, and that's when you notice that her eyes are fixed right on you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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