Chapter 4 *Rewritten*

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A/N - I really only changed the ending and what happens on Madison and Peter's date.

*3 months later*

Peter and Madison never spoke about what had happened in the park and Ned had been warned not to bring it up. He was slowly learning what not to mention around Madison, but she didn't want them to feel like they had to walk on eggshells around her.

She didn't tell her father or Tony what had happened either.

Clint had returned to the SHIELD base, leaving Tony to watch over Madison as usual.

Madison liked hanging out with Peter and Ned. They reminded her of Tony and Bruce in the way they geeked out over certain things, whether it be a science concept or pop-culture references.

Tony was technically her employer, but he was her friend too so he noticed the changes in her demeanor and behavior. So much so that he was becoming worried about her.

Whenever she returned from seeing Peter she was in a good mood, but that mood quickly disappeared. Especially at night.

Madison was down in the lab with Tony and Bruce when she felt her phone buzz. She looked down at it and saw a text from Peter.

Look to your right.

Madison looked over and saw him hanging upside down from one of his webs.

He waved at her.

Meet you on the roof, she texted back with a smile on her face.

"Got a hot date?" Tony asked her.

Steve turned to Madison and said, "We can do this. We'll get through this". "I sure hope so Cap. When this is over, you're taking me on a date", Madison said, nocking an arrow.

"Madison?" she heard Bruce ask her. She shook her head, ridding her mind of the flashback.

"Madison..." Tony said.

"I'm fine". She kissed Tony on the cheek and said, "Going out. Don't wait up". Madison ran out of the room and Tony sighed.

Maybe it was time to talk to Fury...

"Peter? Where are we going?" Madison asked him.

"Just keep walking", he told her, his hands over her eyes.

Madison had no idea where he was leading her. All she knew was they had driven past Coney Island and then he told her to get out of the car. She knew they were on the beach somewhere because she could feel the sand beneath her shoes and hear the ocean.

Soon, they came to a stop.

Peter pulled his hands away from her eyes and said, "Open them".

Madison did and saw a raging bonfire with a blanket and a spread of food. Madison was speechless. This was the most romantic thing she'd ever seen and it was for her! "Did you do this yourself?" she asked him.

"Of course not. Ned helped", Peter told her.

Madison turned and threw her arms around Peter's neck, kissing him. "Thank you".

They sat down on the blanket and started eating. For dessert they roasted marshmallows.

"So you've never done this before?" Peter asked her.

Madison shook her head. "My father and I never went camping or anything like that. He never had the time". Madison was licking chocolate off her fingers when she noticed Peter staring at her. "What?"

He leaned forward and kissed her.

Madison returned the kiss, slowly laying down so Peter was on top of her.

After a while, Peter's hand slipped up the back of her shirt and Madison pushed him away.

"I'm sorry. Did I overstep a boundary?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No. It's just...I want to..."

"Oh", Peter said blushing, "Umm, I guess we should head back to my place then".

"I'm sorry about the bunk bed", Peter told her as he led her in his bedroom.

The bedroom was a safe bet in case May came home.

"No. It's cute", Madison said, sitting down.

Peter joined her.

They had been alone before, but this time something felt different.

Madison's heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest.

Peter gently grasped her jaw and brought her lips to his.

One thing led to another and soon they were both left in nothing but their underwear.

Peter got up and pulled a condom out of his desk.

"Umm...why do you have a drawer full of them?" Madison asked him.

"It was probably May".

"So you didn't plan this?"

Peter knelt in front of her. "Maddie, why would you think that? I care about you. I'd never think about just using you". He placed a soft kiss to her knee before standing up and reconnecting their lips.

Madison gave into the kiss and let Peter guide her to lay on her back.

The whole experience was perfect.

Peter was gentle and made sure she was comfortable the whole time. Madison couldn't have asked for a more perfect ending to a perfect evening.

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