Chapter 6 *Rewritten*

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A/N - This chapter changed quite a bit, but it still captures the point of the original.

Madison woke up the next morning and rolled over in bed. Her eyes settled on her jewelry bureau. She slid out of bed and walked over to it.

Inside it sat a little velvet box.

Madison pulled it out and brushed off the dust. She sat back down on her bed and opened it, running her fingers over the pendent. She hadn't worn it since Steve gifted it to her. She still loved Steve and part of her knew she always would. He would always be a part of her life, especially if the Avengers ever had to get back together. She finally took it out of the box and put it around her neck before getting ready for the day.

Tony was waiting for her when she walked into the kitchen. "No nightmares last night? Guess your boy-toy wore you out."

"We're not discussing this," Madison said as she poured herself a thermos of coffee.

"Oh come on, Katniss. It's not like I'm your dad."

"No, but you are old enough to be, which still makes it weird."

Tony finally noticed the pendent around her neck. "Souvenir?"

Madison reached up and rubbed it between her thumb and pointer finger. "I'll see you later, Tony." Madison made her way to the nearest subway station for the 45-minute ride to Queens. She popped in her earbuds and let her mind wander.

How much longer would she be in New York? Was Fury ever going to call her back in? What if her days in SHIELD were done? What would she do then?

Before she knew it, they were calling her stop. She got off and made her way to the Parker apartment.

May greeted her with a smile and a hug. "Peter! Maddie is here!"

Madison could hear thumping and cursing coming from Peter's bedroom. She giggled as Peter came out of his room, hair sticking up everywhere and a sweater haphazardly throw on.

"Hey. Hey Maddie."

Madison walked up to Peter. She glanced around and found May gone. She reached up and ran her hands through Peter's hair as she kissed him.

Peter's eyes fell shut and he returned the kiss. One of his hands came up to rest on her neck. That's when he felt the chain under his hand. He pulled away and touched the necklace.

Madison looked down at it. "Steve gave it to me the day he left for DC. I found it this morning. Meeting Steve was a dream come true. I grew up on the stories of Captain America."

Instead of feeling jealous, Peter was intrigued.

It wasn't very often that Madison opened up about her childhood.

"Let me get dressed and you can tell me more," he told her.

They ended up going to the bodega and grabbing a couple of sandwiches.

Madison told Peter more about her unconventional childhood being raised by several SHIELD agents in addition to her father.

On the way back to the Parker apartment, the two were stopped by a large man. "Hand over all your money."

"I don't think you want to do this," Madison said.

"Oh, I think I do."

"Fine, have it your way." Madison rushed at the man and brought him down using Natasha's signature move.

"Madison! Stop!" Peter yelled as people started to film on their on cellphones.

Madison finished the man off with a punch to the face.

This was the first time Peter had seen Madison fight in person. Of course he'd seen the footage from the Battle of Manhattan, but this was different. His sweet Madison had disappeared and was replaced with someone who fought with rage and fury, completely disregarding her surroundings. Peter grabbed Madison by the arm and pulled her off the man.

The crowd around them was growing and soon they were swarmed by people wanting Madison's autograph or congratulating her.

Madison just stood there in a daze.

"Madison, Maddie, look at me," Peter told her.

Madison snapped out of it and looked around wildly. People were yelling her name and shoving phones in her face.

"Peter," Madison whimpered.

Peter wrapped his arms around her and ushered her away from the crowd.

"What's going on?" she asked him.

"I'm taking you home." Peter hailed a cab and gave the driver the address of the Barton apartment in Brooklyn, Madison burrowed in his side.

Thing About Superheroes (UNDERGOING REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now