Chapter 5 *Rewritten*

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A/N - With this chapter, I basically took the ending of the original chapter 4 and elaborated on it.

When Madison woke up in Peter's arms, it was well after midnight. "Peter!" Madison whispered.

"Hmm? What?" he asked, letting go of her.

Madison got up and started putting on her clothes.

"Where are you going?" he asked her.

"I need to get back to Avengers Tower before Tony sends a search party for me". Madison picked up her phone and dialed for a taxi. "I'll see you later, okay?" She walked back over to Peter and sat down on the bed next to him.

Peter sleepily smiled up at her. "I enjoyed tonight".

"The date or the sex?"


Madison playfully rolled her eyes and leaned down to peck him on the lips. She went downstairs and jumped in the taxi, riding until they reached Times Square where she got out.

It was such a lovely night and Madison needed some air anyway.

Madison was looking down at her phone, about to text Tony, when she slammed into someone. "I'm so sorry" Madison apologized, "I wasn't looking where I was going".

"You should know to be more careful, love", a voice said.

Madison froze in her tracks, immediately regretting not calling Happy to come pick her up a couple of blocks from Peter's apartment.

It was the voice that haunted her dreams every night. The one who was the subject of her nightmares.

Madison looked up and saw those emerald green eyes.

Loki grabbed her arm and dragged her into an alleyway, covering her mouth with his hand.

Madison bit down on his hand drawing blood, causing Loki to growl and put a hand around her throat. Madison's hand grabbed his wrist, making Loki loosen his grip on her.

"I mean you no harm, Little Bird", he told her.

"You're lucky I don't call SHIELD on your ass".

"Where's your soldier?"

Madison looked down. "He...he left me. Fury sent him to DC".

Loki's eyes softened and he released Madison.

She rubbed her throat as more tears threatened to burst forth.

"Don't cry, love", Loki said, trying to soothe her.

"I never got to thank you for saving my life. So...thank you".

"You and I are not so different".

"Except I didn't destroy Manhattan and try to take over the world".

Loki sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. He was almost cute when he did that. "I do apologize for that. I was angry and handled it wrong".

"May I ask you something?"

"Anything, Little Bird".

"I've been having nightmares and I was wondering if you could help with that".

Loki looked at her with a sad expression. "Magic cannot cure everything, love".

Madison sighed. "Well it was worth a try".

Loki walked towards her and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry I can't be of more help, my little dove. But I will be here if ever you should need me". Loki disappeared in front of her eyes and Madison practically ran back to Avengers Tower.

Tony was sitting in the living room.

"I thought I told you to not wait up", Madison told him.

He stood up and faced her, a glass of alcohol in his hand. "You weren't answering your phone. I was worried something happened".

"I was...busy".

Tony looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

Her mussed hair and clothes told him exactly what had happened.

"Madison Barton, did you...?"

Madison's cheeks burned, giving him confirmation.

"Oh! My little Katniss is a woman now!" he said, putting his hands over his heart dramatically.


"I hope it was good".

"Oh my god! I'm going to bed". Madison brushed past him, heading for her room.

"Did you use protection?"

"Goodnight Tony!" she yelled, slamming her door. In the safety of her bedroom, Madison pulled out her phone.

She ignored all the missed texts and calls from her father and Tony, reminding herself to return Natasha's. Pulling up her contact list, she clicked on his name and sat there while the phone rang.

Was it wise to be calling her ex-boyfriend after she had sex for the first time with her current boyfriend?

It rang two times before he answered. "Hello?" he asked. He sounded out of breath like he knew it was her calling so he raced to the phone. "Madison?"

The sound of his voice brought tears to her eyes. It had been so long since she had heard it in person. She quietly sniffled, but said nothing.

"Madison, I know you're there".

Madison still didn't say anything. What could she possibly say to him? That she missed him and wished they could get back together?

"I know you're probably too nervous to say something, but I need you to know that I love you Madison. Always have and always will", Steve said and hung up.

Madison stared down at her phone. "I love you too, Steve".

Steve didn't hear it but he was sure, somewhere deep down, Madison still loved him too.

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