12. "VMAs"

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Gabby POV

I stood still in my dressing room. Tonight is my performance for the VMAs, Jason has his performance later on. I kept ruffling my hair and sighed happily. I've always wanted to perform on a stage like this. Victoria's Secret was the beginning. I heard a knock. I looked and saw mom. "Hey mama." I said. She smiled. "Hey Baby you ready?" She asked. I nodded. I got up and left with her behind me. I gave one of my backup dancers some dap. Backstage before the show, I seen all my friends and family. Well, Ashlynn and Rafe are in the crowd. I hugged Jason. "Good luck bro." I said. He smiled. "Good luck to you too." He said. Scooter clapped his hands. "Ok! Let's say a prayer! The Biebers taking home the award and owning the stage!" He said. Did I forgot to mention I'm nominated for Best Female Artist? And Jason's nominated for Best Male Artist? We all got in a circle as he led the prayer. I smiled while my eyes closed.

We said Amen. Then we did Dad's old chant."Ducks, ducks, ducks! Quack, quack, quack, ZOOM!" We cheered with our hands together. Faith hugged me and Jason. "You crazy bitches go make us proud." She said. We chuckled. That was my cue. I was first before Jason. I caught up with the dancers and got on stage.

"Please welcome my goddaughter, Gabriella Bieber!" Aunt Kylie said in the mic. The audience cheered. I could see Matty in the crowd. He mouthed 'I love you'. I smiled widely.

"Thank you so much!" I said. The crowd cheered loudly. Aunt Kylie and Kendall came on stage. They hugged me. "That was amazing!" Aunt Kylie said. "Now it is time to announce the award for best female artist." Aunt Kendall said. The TV screen showed the female singers. When it got to me, everybody cheered even myself. Damn I'm a little too much. Aunt Kylie opened the card. "And the winner is....GABRIELLA BIEBER!" She yelled. My jaw dropped. That did not just happened. I smiled widely and hugged Aunt Kylie. She gave me the VMAs trophy. "Oh my god. Honestly, I did not believe it was gonna be me. Thank you so so much. I wanna thank all my friends, fans and my family. And my boyfriend Matty, I love you so much. And I'm also excited to see Jason's performance right now! Thanks guys!" I said. Aunt Kylie and Kendall hugged me one last time.

Later, everyone congratulated me and was super excited for Jason's performance. I was back in my dressing room. I held my VMA award. Tears instantly fell from my eyes. God, I never thought I be crying while holding what I've dreamed of holding. I quickly wiped my eyes. I took a deep breaths. I heard my door shut softly. I looked and saw the person I damn there never expect to see. Chloe. Why she here? Didn't she got the memo that we done? She smiled a little. I sighed. "What are you doing here Chloe?" I asked. "I came to support you. I'm sorry for how I acted in our relationship. And thank you, for telling me I'm always beautiful. It's hard to feel that way with people bashing you cause of your mom." She said. Well, yeah. Even Carter and Neels are every girl's least favorite. I smiled. "You're welcome and thanks for supporting me." I said. She looked at me. I slightly chuckled. "Ok, one time. I can't miss Jason's performance." I said. She giggled and kissed me. She smirked. "After all this time, your lips still kiss good." She said.

I nodded, smirking. "If that's ok, we can be friends." I said. She nodded. "It'll be hard though. Gabby you were the best girlfriend ever. You treated me like a Queen. And I'll always love you for that." She said. I hugged her and kissed her forehead. "You know you'll always be the best first girlfriend ever." I said. "Ok, Jason's about to go live. Let's go!" I said. Chloe looked a little nervous. "I promise you your family will throw sticks and stones once they see me." She said. I scoffed. "They won't." I said. "How you know?" She asked. I smirked. "Cause you're mom's not with you." I joked. She laughed and playfully smacked my arm. I laughed. Me and Chloe didn't last but she was actually my first GF. And winning the VMA award is another blessing.

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