190. "Betrayal"

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Gabby POV

I was in Royalty's room, playing toys with her. She playfully threw her ball and I caught it. She giggled and clapped.

I smiled. "Good job, baby!" I said. She got on her feet, heading towards her closet.

"Mama!" She said. I looked at her.

"Yes, baby?" I said. She motioned me to look on top of the closet. Her stuffed animal giraffe was there. It was a present dad got her for her 2nd birthday. I got up and reached for the giraffe. It fell onto my hands and I gave it to her. She smiled and sat on the floor with the toys. Daniel was out with Matty and the guys. Ashlynn came by Royalty's bedroom door. She smiled widely. "Hi cutie!" She said. She looked at her and smiled. Royalty got on her feet, running up to her. She picked her up and hugged. I chuckled. "Nice to see you too, Ash." I said. "Where's Joy?" She asked. I smirked. "Royalty, where's your little brother?" I asked. She giggled.

"With dada." She said. Ashlynn chuckled.

"Daddy? Aww, this is giving me baby fever." She said, putting her down. I rolled my eyes. "Then have babies with Carter." I said. She sighed. "Problem is...I have a schedule. I'm making music, I could be acting or- I cut him off. "So! I finished my tour so I can be with Royalty, and second I was pregnant with Joy. It's never too late." I said. She smiled. "Hm, I'll think about it." She said. "Mind if I spend time with her?" She asked. I nodded. "I'll go see Faith and Maria." I said.


I drove on the way to Uncle Zayn's house. Maria invited Faith over and so did me. We greeted each other and made our way to the couch. Faith smiled. "How's the babies?" She asked. I chuckled.

"They're good. Ashlynn's watching Royalty and Daniel's with Matty." I said.

Maria groaned. "Why can that bitch make babies with Carter already?" She asked.

I shrugged. "All I know is that he better raise them right. He was a fuckboy like Neels." Faith said. I nodded in agreement.

I went on my phone for a bit. My eyes widened on what I saw on my feed.

You got to be fucking kidding me. "What's wrong?" Maria asked. I gave her my phone. They looked at it in total shock.

"Exactly, who does this bitch think she is?" I growled. Kendall dissed me over being fake on me and Matty's family channel and faking my pregnancy with Daniel. The hell is wrong with this bitch?

"What is wrong with her? Like seriously? She was a loyal fan to you and now she's disrespecting you and your family." Faith said. "Yes, she's messed up." Maria added.

I sighed. "I can't believe her. I was the one who befriended her, I encouraged her to be herself as an artist and person, now she's dating your ex and calling us the fake friends? Who the hell does she think she is? We're the ones who been true friends to her and she's hanging with the two barbies and fuckboy." I said.

They chatted in agreement. "You just could never know who to trust. It's obvious she only cared about being famous and having fake ass friends. I never treated her like that, I've been freaking loyal to her. And this girl just makes out with a friend's ex and hangs with people who are irrelevant, she used me. That really hurts me because she looked up to me and she disrespects my family, she should fuck off because she's an irrelevant bitch!" I growled while tears fell. They grappled me into a big hug. "It's ok, babygirl." Faith said in a soothing voice. "If she gonna be a hoe and don't give a shit about your feelings, then that's her fault. Everyone knows she became famous by befriending you and acted like a real hoe by dating Brooklyn and now Neels. There's something wrong with that hoe and its not our business." Maria said. I smiled.

"I love you, girls." I said. Faith chuckled.

"We love you too, babe." She said. Kendall may betrayed me, but I'm living my best life with my kids, my boyfriend and my closest family.

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